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  1. namik

    Struggle identifying nute deficiency.

    Do you think this could be light leach? The plants are at least 18 inches away from the top of plants
  2. namik

    Struggle identifying nute deficiency.

    Hey thanks for the reply, this is under metal halide and honestly I havent actualy fed it any nutrients yet, the pots havent seemed to dry up since I put the seeds in the soil and so im only just going to feed them today. Im using NPK industries RAW nutrients so i will be mixing thr nutrients...
  3. namik

    Struggle identifying nute deficiency.

    Hi all, I am having some problems with identifying nutrient deficiency and would appreciate some help. My hunch is that it is a magneesium deficiency but i don't want to jump to conclusions and give plants something it doesn't need. Pictures attached below. Thanks all in advance for any help.
  4. namik

    Bug problem with pictures need help.

    @HydroRed @rolla012 Hey thanks for the reply guys, so after I posted this I got a bottle of organic pesticide and sprayed the plants whilst lights were off and I havent seen any of these bugs since. Still am not sure if they are thrips or something else but it was fairly easy to treat. Im...
  5. namik

    Bug problem with pictures need help.

  6. namik

    Bug problem with pictures need help.

    Hi all, my plants are still very small in seedling stage and I have come across a few bugs on some of the plants. They are really small and barely visible. When I put them under a microscope they look yellow with black eyes somewhere between 4-6 legs and they have what looks like antennas on the...
  7. namik

    To grow in the heat or not?

    What LED lights do you use? Im interested but i dont know what will replace a 600w HID and how much cooler is it compared to a HID?
  8. namik

    To grow in the heat or not?

    I was not aware that you could have higher temperatures whilst running LED? I have thought about switching i just don’t have the money right now as a good LED light costs a lot but definitely something i consider in the future.
  9. namik

    To grow in the heat or not?

    Looks great! I should go ahead with my tempratures then max im hitting 32C
  10. namik

    To grow in the heat or not?

    It is currently summer and tempratures in the tent can reach 90f at most usually sits between 83-88. Is it worth even attempting to grow in these conditions or to just wait thr summer out. Also if i switch the normal reflectors with air cooled hoods how much of a difference will that make in...