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  1. N


    Thank you and I will be shopping. They look very healthy and smell GREAT! Just a bit small I guess. Thx again. Oh and how often do you water these little gems? I only have two.
  2. N


    Thank you much. I will be searching. You can bet if I have anymore questions, I'll be back. Hope you don't mind.
  3. N


    So sorry to keep bothering you, but could you lead me in the right direction of these lights on Amazon? I really want this to work. I have restless leg syndrome and am hoping this will help me. What amount of wattage would I need for them? What is a good made set up? I just looked but am...
  4. N


    The Aero Garden lights I believe are LED
  5. N


    I have two different lights. One is fluorescent (all night) the other is my Aero Garden light (all day). All day they are about 4-5 inches from the light. All night, about 7 inches away. Maybe not the right type of lighting. I am brand new to this and learning. I also joined a site...
  6. N


    what am I doing wrong? They are very healthy looking plants.
  7. N


    OK sorry, maybe one month. I planted two seeds in the first week of November.
  8. N


    all day and all night. Is this too much?
  9. N


    I'll do that. Thx
  10. N


    They are young. Maybe 2 months.
  11. N


    Hello, I am providing a picture of my two plants. Do you think the stems are thick enough? They sure look like healthy plants. Just wondering.
  12. N


    Because I am new to this. Learning! I have restless leg syndrome and was wondering if it would help me.
  13. N


    ok will do and thank you!
  14. N


    I now have two plants in one pot. Do I have to separate them? They are pretty close together. Here is a pic. The little one is a bit taller now.
  15. N

    New to growing from seed

    Hi everyone, I said I would post updated pictures. I was given two seeds. Only one came up, which you have all been helping me with. Well check out the picture. The second one popped up. Now I have just one question, what do I need to do so the stems will thicken up? Or do they on their...
  16. N

    New to growing from seed

    BTW, I named him Marley.
  17. N

    New to growing from seed

    I'll keep posting pictures as it grows.
  18. N

    New to growing from seed

    The closer I try and take, it gets a bit blurry. Definitely the real thing though. The new leaves prove that. It's doing quite good and I baby it plenty. It is looking more like the second picture now.
  19. N

    New to growing from seed

    Someone here said it didn't look like a cannabis plant, but here are two pictures. One is mine, one is off the computer. They look the same, and as you can see, there appears to be another leaf growing on mine. Mine is the first one.
  20. N

    New to growing from seed

    Thank you and it's all taken care of. Now just hope it survives.