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  1. B

    Is it ok to leave the tent open a little while lights are on?

    This is my first grow and my plants are 6 weeks old and they are in flowering stage but I just can’t seem to get the humidity under control and get it lowered but when I open the tent to check on them the humidity starts dropping down a little so I figured it would help leaving it open some...
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    Has anyone seen this before?

    Thanks for the feedback guys
  3. B

    Can anyone tell me if this is supposed to be growing this way

    I appreciate the feedback guys. I will let her grow and hopefully she surprises me lol
  4. B

    Can anyone tell me if this is supposed to be growing this way

    i have a week old plant and have never seen one grow like this. Is this natural or is it deformed? Not real sure what to do with it but it does look like it is growing and healthy so not sure. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks
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    Getting ready to switch from 18/6 to 12/12

    Has anyone seen a plant look like this before and could you tell me what it means?
  6. B

    Has anyone seen this before?

    has anyone ever seen a plant grow like this? I am new to growing and haven’t seen this yet so was just wondering. Is a certain kind of mutation or something lol any guesses?
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    Getting ready to switch from 18/6 to 12/12

    Ok I will try that. Thanks
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    Getting ready to switch from 18/6 to 12/12

    I’m still in veg right now but was going to switch over tomorrow
  9. B

    Getting ready to switch from 18/6 to 12/12

    Yes I do thankfully lol thanks for everyone’s help. Here is a pic of them going to be 5 weeks tomorrow except bottom left he is a week behind. Did a little LST on them but it is my first grow.
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    Getting ready to switch from 18/6 to 12/12

    I think I confused all of us lol I guess what I’m saying is tonight the lights come back on at 8:30pm so should I shut them off at 8:30am and then dark from 8:30am to 8:30pm again and so on? So that way it is set for 12/12
  11. B

    Getting ready to switch from 18/6 to 12/12

    Ok so it comes back on at 8:30 tonight should I set it to go off at 8:30 tomorrow morning then dark for 12 hours. Is that fine?
  12. B

    Getting ready to switch from 18/6 to 12/12

    hi I’m getting ready to switch my girls into flowering and just had a question and hopefully it’s not a stupid question lol but right now they are set on 18/6 8:30pm to 2:30pm then rest from 2:30pm to 8:30 pm so the question is when I switch them over to 12/12 do I let them go 18 hours of light...
  13. B

    Starting new grow soon with auto flower seeds have questions about lighting

    By the way those look beautiful they are growing real nice. I didn’t see the pic before I typed out the last message to you lol what strain are they
  14. B

    Starting new grow soon with auto flower seeds have questions about lighting

    I am having a blast growing them.. Just like any new parent I am always worrying about something with them especially the light. I am growing those 4 with a 300w led and it has worked so far. Just seems like when I’m finally figuring things out then another question pops up in my mind and then...
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    Starting new grow soon with auto flower seeds have questions about lighting

    Ok so here are my baby’s lol. 3 of them are one month old tomorrow and the 4th one is about a week behind the others. I have tried to LST them so hopefully I’m doing that right. I did some very light trimming also. I took some pics of them here they are. In your opinion do they look healthy...
  16. B

    Starting new grow soon with auto flower seeds have questions about lighting

    Ok do I cut it off or pull it off? Sorry I have so many questions.
  17. B

    Starting new grow soon with auto flower seeds have questions about lighting

    Do you just remove the leaves or the whole stem with leaf on it?
  18. B

    Starting new grow soon with auto flower seeds have questions about lighting

    Ok so I will send pics later but apparently it looks like I have had a little drooping on one of my plants but maybe it’s just in my head lol but my next important question is that I when I watered a couple of days ago I was using my water mixed with the nutritions and I think I got some...