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  1. T

    Cold temperatures

    I am in Oregon
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    Cold temperatures

    it’s outdoor only
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    Cold temperatures

    growing outdoors only
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    Cold temperatures

    It’s outdoors. High dessert
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    Cold temperatures

    What is the best way to keep the girls in good condition when day time Highs are in the 80-90s. But nighttime gets down the 40-low 50’s?
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    Do you know what this is?!! Little white specks

    Very dry, high desert. I did look under the leaves and just to they eye, a few Afids and what looked to be potential spider mites, sprayed with a insect killing soap from the local grow store. We shall see
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    Do you know what this is?!! Little white specks

    There are these tiny white speckles on some leaves of my indica plant, not mildew just the specks. Also only on mid section of the plant. Daily or bi daily feeding fish emulsion, N supplement and Hyrdroflora (microgro). Ph checks at 6-7. Just noticing same is happening to the bottom section of...
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    I need some help, new to this

    I’ve only been using an organic fish emulsion for additional nutes. Brand new soil, heavy compost mix running about 7.5 on the ph
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    I need some help, new to this

    I assumed they just needed a bit to establish roots jumping pot sizes so large, and that’s why they haven’t been making moves to get bushy. Just want to see some big ladies before flower
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    I need some help, new to this

    This is my first outdoor grow, my plants are doing some weird things, I’ve got an indica and a sativa. My indica the main stems are turning purple and the bottom sides of the leaves are maroon as well. New growth looks great. Back story I messed up and took them from 1 gallon pots to 20+ gallon...