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  1. S

    Pesticides during flowering?

    Hi, What can i use during flowering? I am in week 2 and i noticed that i have spider mites and possibly grasshopper issues. I only found one leaf eaten, but I need to get it under control. Can i just use spinosad? Thanks
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    Should I add nutes after transplant?

    Thanks for that info. They moved from 1 gallon plastic pot with your normal potting soil. They were in that 1 Gallon for a long time.
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    Should I add nutes after transplant?

    Hi, My plants are 3 weeks into flowering and I just moved them into a 5 gallon smart pot. I used half Fox Farms Ocean forest and 420 soil. Prior to transplant they were on earth juice catalyst and bloom 5-10-5 nutes at half strength, but this past week I have been just using water. Should i...
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    How are the plants doing? First timer..

    Thanks! Yes, they are. Also, I did start late. They became seedlings around the last week of May.
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    How are the plants doing? First timer..

    Just wanted to see if anyone had feedback on the progress of the plants. They are platinum girl scouts and hucklberry strains. They are outdoor plants in Northern Cali. I just switched them into 5 gallon pots and currently have them on water for now to minimize the stress. Prior to the...
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    Smart pot run off

    When I had them in the 2 gallon plastic pot. Each one took about 3 red cups of water and had a good run off. I thought runoff was what you needed. They seemed to respond very well to it. That included earth juice catalyst and bloom 5-10-5. Right now, im holding off on nutes to give them time...
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    Smart pot run off

    I'm using a mix of a 420 soil blend and fox farms ocean forest soil.
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    Smart pot run off

    I finally switched my outdoor plants from a 2 gallon plastic to a 5 gallon smart pot. Ive doubled the feed amount since they are in a bigger pot, but I am not getting runoff. Should i be watering them until they get runoff in the smart pot, or is it okay if there is no run off? When i had them...