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  1. C

    Yellowing and spot...spreading

    Ok so autoflower, week 5 of flower, day 77. 2 1000w leds. Temp 77F. Humidity ~50%. 20/4 cycle. Using gh flora series. Micro 5.3ml/gal, gro 5.3, bloom 7.6. Following recommeneded feed schedule. I noticed the problem and asked on here once and the consensus was a manganese deficiency. I...
  2. C

    Whats wrong with these leaves?

    Also those leaves are from 3 of the smaller plants. I have.other issues with the big one I'm trying to remedy, but that's in a different thread.
  3. C

    Whats wrong with these leaves?

    Right on. Trust me I never intended to grow too many plants for my box, but that's what's going on right now. I have the one in bloom that has about 4 weeks left. The other 8 are in mid-late veg. This is a 6 plant box going forward, but there's 9 now and so I have to deal with it. I barely...
  4. C

    Whats wrong with these leaves?

    Umm, 6x4 box, 2 1000w leds, temp stable mid 70s. Humidity stable around 55%. 20/4 lighr cycle. Dwc using tap water left out to remove chlorine, phd between 5.8 and 6.1. Gh flora series nutes, all 3. Late veg feed cycle. What else do you need to know?
  5. C

    Whats wrong with these leaves?

    Yes this is true, but an indoor hydro grow has very low risk of pests. The question is, which one could this be?
  6. C

    Whats wrong with these leaves?

    I have 8 plants. All autoflowers in DWC. 6X4 grow box. 2/1000w leds. Flora gro series. All on week 5 of veg. I was trimming the lower canopy and found 3 leaves that concern me. All from different plants. Can anyone tell me what might cause these issues. First pic has dark discolouration...
  7. C

    Yellow leaves with spotting

    My picture references pointed towards manganese or nitrogen def. But being mid flower I doubted it was N def. I'll add some cal mag plus. Hopefully that fixes it
  8. C

    Yellow leaves with spotting

    Ya I know. I didn't realize what kind of space I actually needed. I have 8 vegging and 1 mid flower that's huge. I don't have near enough room for all of them in a 6x4 box. It will be quite a task but I'll do my best. Mayb scrog is a good idea, but these are ALL autos and I know screens...
  9. C

    Yellow leaves with spotting

    Word. I have 8 more that are vegging and I'm trying to lst them better. And even prune the lower canopy some. But I'm brand new to this and not very good at it yet.
  10. C

    Yellow leaves with spotting

    Good lord I hope the next 3 weeks are exciting.
  11. C

    Yellow leaves with spotting

    Nice! I hope thats further along than mine. I haven't seen any budlets forming yet and it worries me. I think I might end up with popcorn nugs.
  12. C

    Yellow leaves with spotting

    Noted. She's definitely gotten alot bigger than expected. I change her water I a couple days. I'll add some cal mag and see if it helps. Thanks.
  13. C

    Yellow leaves with spotting

    Thanks. First grow. I used cap mag in the beginning because I was using strictly distilled water. Switch to phd tap water and didn't need the cal mag anymore. Thinknshe needs it again now in flowering? I use the micro nute solution in the series, so do I even need cal mag?
  14. C

    Yellow leaves with spotting

    Dwc. No run off. By hot do you mean water temp or high ec causing nutrient lockout?
  15. C

    Yellow leaves with spotting

    Day 71. Week 4 of flowering. Autoflower. Been feeding the GH flora series by recommended feeding chart. Got more and more spots and yellowing showing up. Thoughts? Remedies?
  16. C

    new to growing legal weed. AZ 4300 elevation going to grow outside

    Not sure where you're at but I'm in flag and the humidity here is way too low for outdoor growing
  17. C

    Nutrient burn? Lockout maybe?

    Oh yeah. These are DWC. 20/4 under 1000w leds
  18. C

    My 1st grow plan

    I'm no expert but you sound like you did your homework. My advice would be go for it. You have a solid starting plan. When you hit a question, take a picture of the plant and ask here. The best way to learn is to SEE the plant grow.
  19. C

    Light distance

    4 plants in a 2x2? My first plant was in a 2x2. She's halfway through flowering now and luckily I built a new box 6x4 because they get big. Here I'll show you. She started in a 2x2 with a 300w