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  1. Reggaeforlife

    Lower Leaves are very crispy.

    The plant that i have was grown from bagseed and my friend had neglected it because he had other plants to tend to, so he gave it to me. The leaves were very droopy and lifeless. The plant was drooped over very badly yesterday. But since i transplanted it to a larger pot and gave it some...
  2. Reggaeforlife

    Germination on an XBOX 360?

    I was just wondering if it is ok to sit my germinating marijuana seeds on top of my xbox. Ive read that heat speeds up the germination proccess and I dont really have another heat source in my house that is suitable for the seeds. The outside of the console never gets too hot to touch but i...
  3. Reggaeforlife

    What soil and nutrients should i use?

    Im doing an outdoor grow and i need some advice on soil and nutrients to use. I was thinking of getting soil that has little or no nutrients in it then getting Fox Farms Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom and using these nutrients throughout the grow. :leaf:
  4. Reggaeforlife

    Should I go Through with my Guerilla Grow?

    yeah im gonna find some more spots for sure
  5. Reggaeforlife

    Should I go Through with my Guerilla Grow?

    Since i cannot grow indoors due to my living arrangements i was thinking of starting a guerilla grow in a wooded area near my apt. This location has an old abandoned house that was cleared of all the plants fairly recently but the area i will be planting has not been travelled to for years it...
  6. Reggaeforlife

    Leaves are curling up and turning brown all over my plant! Please help!

    Thanks guys. This really did help me. I will get new nutrients as soon as i can.
  7. Reggaeforlife

    Leaves are curling up and turning brown all over my plant! Please help!

    should i mist the plant with plain water also?
  8. Reggaeforlife

    Leaves are curling up and turning brown all over my plant! Please help!

    Ok so if i cant get cal mag will the epsom be enough? Or do i need the cal to help the mag be absorbed?
  9. Reggaeforlife

    Leaves are curling up and turning brown all over my plant! Please help!

    i have a 3 gallon pot and i have flushed about 16 gallons through it now. and i checked the ph of the runoff and it was 6.6 is that ok? I dont really know if i have access to cal mag because i live in a small town and i have to drive 30 minutes to get any kind of plant nutrients.
  10. Reggaeforlife

    Leaves are curling up and turning brown all over my plant! Please help!

    I have flushed about 15 gallons through my plant and the water is starting to run out almost clear. Have i flushed it enough? Should i add epsom salt at all?
  11. Reggaeforlife

    Leaves are curling up and turning brown all over my plant! Please help!

    So is the plant going to be ok or is it completely screwed?
  12. Reggaeforlife

    Leaves are curling up and turning brown all over my plant! Please help!

    thanks for the help. I am flushing my plants now. How long should i wait until i start feeding again?
  13. Reggaeforlife

    Leaves are curling up and turning brown all over my plant! Please help!

    This is my first grow and im pretty inexperienced. Ive gotten my plant all the way up to 3 weeks into flowering with no problems. I will post some pics.
  14. Reggaeforlife

    Leaves are curling up and turning brown all over my plant! Please help!

    I am a first time grower and im using 2 100w equivalent cfls and 4 75w equivalent cfls on my plant. It is in a 3 gallon pot with good drainage. I have been using miracle grow bloom booster because i really dont have access to better fertz. I have been using the reccommended dosages on the box...