Should I go Through with my Guerilla Grow?

Since i cannot grow indoors due to my living arrangements i was thinking of starting a guerilla grow in a wooded area near my apt. This location has an old abandoned house that was cleared of all the plants fairly recently but the area i will be planting has not been travelled to for years it seems. It has sufficient coverage from above but it gets a good amount of sunlight. Last year a friend and i scoped out a different area in the same woods to grow and he knows the way to the spot pretty well. I will not be using this spot. i am not including him in my grow this year because he is a selfish asshole. But, I am worried that he will go and look for my plants and jack my harvest after i put up all the work. The spots that my brother and i have looked at recently are well hidden from the view of the trail and it is a task just to get to the areas. The way is littered with poison ivy, poison oak, sticker bushes, and a fairly wide creek. I am planting two or three plants in each spot and they will be scattered throughout the woods. My friend and i dont exactly hate each other but we are not nearly the friends we used to be. He has no reason to jack my plants (other than the fact that he wants some free pot and doesnt care if he rips me off) and he doesnt know exactly where my planned spots for this year are but im pretty sure that he will go look around. Do you think that if he finds one spot he will look for more? I have never mentioned growing in multiple spots to him and he is not very informed about growing in general. In fact i havent even told him recently that i am planning to grow. Not all of my grow spots are in this area but i was just wondering if i should even try in this place. or is it not worth all the work? :leaf: Happy toking


Well-Known Member
Don't grow any wheres close to where he would assume you would grow. He WILL go looking, especially if he hears that your growing, So for starters, tell no one. I suggest finding some deep woods. Guerrilla growing is going out deep into the wilderness, miles deep is very common, The further from any signs of people the better. You want to pick the thickest areas to grow in, with low vegetation, the harder it is to access your plants, the better.


Active Member
IMO even good friends/family get greedy. I lost a 40 plant guerilla to 2 addicts. They were looking for scrap metal out in the middle of nowhere. So even though it wasnt a close person, anything can happen. If I were you I would scope out a few new spots. You only need to check on them once or twice bi weekly so. Good luck, stay quiet, stay safe.


Hahaha damn that's fucked up. Homeboys should not be riping you off. I would use bear traps. Fuck it he trys to get them you'll see he stuck their next time you water.lmfao


Well-Known Member
Im gonna try it very close to house this year, using some extremely fast growing weeds from my backyard to make it hard to see it, if i where you, i would confront that "friend" and make it real clear that if he ever tries to do this again he will be the nutrient for the next secret grow