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  1. SkyeHighChickie

    Does anyone have an American Terrier,aka Pitbull?

    Both are very nice looking dogs, your 1st dog reminds me of my dog & your second one has a pretty bada$$ look...cute cute cute!
  2. SkyeHighChickie

    Does anyone have an American Terrier,aka Pitbull?

    awwwwwwwww what a cutie!
  3. SkyeHighChickie

    Edible issue

    I have tried canna-cookies on 3 seperate occasions & only noticed a small diminishment of my pain on each consumption, wherein my husband ate half of his canna-cookie & was mellow & pain free, all 3 times. When we smoke, he needs as much MJ as I do to have pain relief, so I am confused as to why...
  4. SkyeHighChickie

    Alright Man Strangest Places You've Gotten High?

    smoked a stanky J while in the 'back 40' of a police impound yard (right next to the police station) with my buddy in his tow truck with a wrecked police cruiser still hanging off the back, waiting for someone to come open a gate to the police repair facilities area. lol that gate cop gave us...
  5. SkyeHighChickie

    Any cashier's here?

    Hilarious! wish I coulda been the cashier next to yours to enjoy that!
  6. SkyeHighChickie

    ridiculously low tolerance to substances

    I've heard aside from body mass/size & quantities consumed, it is also due to how your liver functions by removing the substances from your system....but then, it's what I've heard....dunno if it's factual.
  7. SkyeHighChickie

    Los angels prices, CA

    LOL finally just got ReasearchKitty's joke.....must remember to toke, mellow then come here, not toke n read! LOL
  8. SkyeHighChickie

    Granny 'Drug Kingpin' Busted In Oklahoma

    wow, gramma! This makes me recall the one of the old "Cop's" episode where they do a drug-raid bust on gramma & grammpa's cute little house & right there in the gawtdamned living room is one of those giant chest freezers, packed to the very top with pounds of weed, all bagged up n ready to go...
  9. SkyeHighChickie

    Los angels prices, CA

    From what a very close friend of mine has said to me about their attempts to sell their quantities to the local pharms, I would have to side with the statements made by LorDjin....a big game of screw you outta your product for the lowest amount possible while they turn it over for a 80-120%...
  10. SkyeHighChickie

    Traveling to LA for the first time.. What are some things I should do??

    rent a car, seriously, unless your buddy will be chauferring you or lending you their ride. Just a little cheapie car is all you need to get around well. public transportation is weak in LA & taxi's are kinda pricey. o'yeah you'll love Roscoe's (tasty tasty!), In n Out (OMG YUM!) & fat burger...
  11. SkyeHighChickie

    Traveling to LA for the first time.. What are some things I should do??

    Plan for traffic & jerks, prepare for high gas prices & a fair shake of some hot gals n guys. lol- depending on where you're from it might be some strange sights in LA or interesting or here is A LOT to see, do, experience & eat in LA. What type of trip are you looking to have...
  12. SkyeHighChickie

    Whatever happened to common sense?

    OMG....."very alarming"?!! at the least. those poor kids. I'm sorry if I can't see it, but seriously WTH kind of wishywashy pen-pal project has grade-school kids writing to sexual predator prisoners? People in prison are generally there because they are guilty of a felonious crime...maybe the...
  13. SkyeHighChickie

    Let me introduce myself :) The Rabbit from Down under!

    Hi Rabbit & welcome! I hope you find all the help & information you need here. :smile:
  14. SkyeHighChickie

    17 year old girl stripped searched /tampon removed !!!!

    yep, I'm a female. I'm not sure how she coulda let it get that ridiculous, I'd have to have been hogtied from all the kicking, biting & punches I'd be doing resisting that....if I were innocent of course....perhaps she's one of those 'innocent kept under the thumb beat-down by daddy/mom' kids...
  15. SkyeHighChickie

    Ignorance is NOT bliss. It's stupidity.

    we have a serious problem getting our youth educated, of that there is little doubt. I could prolly rant on about this, but won't-y'all already said all my! perhaps we need to take a closer look into the education systems & community youth/teen programs provided in the countries...
  16. SkyeHighChickie

    Snoop is too funny.

    LOL at the old dear walking about with his Snoop Dogg VIP pass still out like he's making sure everybody sees it....pretty damn funny clip Mobius, great find & share...thanks!
  17. SkyeHighChickie

    17 year old girl stripped searched /tampon removed !!!!

    That is just so sick & shocking! sad for the poor girl-how traumatic & humiliating for her. hope she gets truly over it.
  18. SkyeHighChickie

    Daily Dose of Cannabis Reduces Risk of Stroke By 50%

    ahh, ok I had not considered that aspect. TY!
  19. SkyeHighChickie


    wow.....stupified. & ewww! some of those fake tans are just disturbing. lol
  20. SkyeHighChickie

    Daily Dose of Cannabis Reduces Risk of Stroke By 50%

    Awesome info! thanks for sharing. OT: Why does the media seem to thrill at the opportunity to call marijuana "Pot" or "Weed" with a negative connotation anytime it's covering on the medical benefits, but when they bust transporters &/or grow houses etc. it's usually "Marijuana".....just...