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  1. I

    Questions about feeding seedlings.

    Would I get better growth for seedlings if I feed them about quarter dose general hydro nutes every watering?can I start feeding them at the first set of leaves after the cotyledons very lightly or would it not be worth it? Ive seen that other growers get better growth on their plants when they...
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    Please help, white bugs in root ball.

    I went to check my gorilla grow today and saw my newest growth on only one plant(my healthiest plant) had barely been affected by the tips of the new leaves starting to turn black. I then was looking at the plant and at the bottom of its little pot white bugs were crawling into the drainage...
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    Need help with my plants leaves.

    Ill really slowly give them sun after about 2 or 3 days of only shade, theyll stretch real bad but there going to be in a spot with only about 3 hours of direct sun per day anyway hopefully i get an ounce or more plus all the rain and humidity. I would put them indoor or in a better spot but its...
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    Need help with my plants leaves.

    Do these look healthy enough to harden off outdoors?
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    Need help with my plants leaves.

    Think i just had the light too close and when i watered them and moved the light up their more green and growing a lot faster.
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    Need help with my plants leaves.

    No man i under water them and wait like 5 days before watering them the only reason the one looks droopy is becuase i waited so long to water it that it looks like it was wilting or wanting water and the soil was almost completely dry and the pot was light so i watered it but its still drooping...
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    Need help with my plants leaves.

    Some leaves are turning yellow and the other plants look really healthy could I get some help? They are indica and i transplanted all but 2 of them and gave them a lot of mykos at transplant. Im also having problems with a seedling that grew very slow and has been growing for at least a week or...
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    Very high humidity and bud rot outdoor

    I only have the option to veg my plants until about the second set of leaves then they have to get hardened off and outside where they will be under a lot of rain and they’ll get support but are you saying that they might not have enough time to flower? The days start getting shorter where I am...
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    Very high humidity and bud rot outdoor

    The buds will probably be airy and medium sized anyway since the guerilla grow spot only get about 4 hours direct sun I’ll scrog probably more than half of the plants but I though bud rot got on them whether they are dense or not thanks for the information.
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    Very high humidity and bud rot outdoor

    The only slightly sativa plant I’ll be growing is my last green crack seed left if it sprouts but what I need to know is what is the best way to keep mold off of my buds in very high humidity, the only thing I can think of is to soak the buds in alkaline water all the time while it’s growing is...
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    Very high humidity and bud rot outdoor

    I should be able to put plant cages and a tarp and something to lift the tarp in the middle for rain to run off and stay off my buds in flowering but I don’t know what I’ll do about the high humidity other than constantly lightly spraying the buds with alkaline water using baking soda or...
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    Very high humidity and bud rot outdoor

    With a tarp over the plant cages
  13. I

    Very high humidity and bud rot outdoor

    In the south does it stay warm enough to be able to grow them outdoor in the winter? If so I’ll grow all year long. Also I was just thinking I could set up garden wire plant cages all around my plants and put a tall stick in the middle with my plants inside so the rain wouldn’t get on them...
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    Very high humidity and bud rot outdoor

    I recently moved to a different state more south from where I used to be in northern Cali and it is very humid here usually around 90 percent humidity and it rains a ton. I unfortunately don’t have the option to grow my plants indoor and I’ll have to guerilla grow outdoor. I only have the option...
  15. I

    Seedling help transferring outdoors

    Oh ok I wasn’t thinking about that but where I am it’s cloudy and rains a lot would that mess with the light cycle or will the light through the clouds on rainy and cloudy days be enough for the plant to realize it’s getting more than 12 hours of light
  16. I

    Seedling help transferring outdoors

    I’ll definitely harden them off but I was worried because I know when they get older under a grow light under 18 hours of light then get moved outdoors where there is less sun they tend to kick into flowering.
  17. I

    Seedling help transferring outdoors

    If I grow my seedlings under 18/6 until they have one or two sets of normal leaves and put them outdoors in a stealth spot where they will only get about 3 to 4 direct sunlight per day will they try to flower early or become hermies when they get bigger? Or should I just start the rest of my...
  18. I

    Can I restart my grow in June from seed.

    I might start like 8 naw I’m fucking baked rn an I’ll just grow a place no one can see or smell my plants or come across as a discover