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  1. Bsmoke78

    Any issues with my Auto or am I seeing things?

    She’s fine still a baby bro, are you spraying water on leafs?
  2. Bsmoke78

    Yellow spotting

    Bag needed more soil definitely
  3. Bsmoke78

    Yellow spotting

    What soil?
  4. Bsmoke78


    How big is your exhaust?
  5. Bsmoke78


    Add clip fans in there
  6. Bsmoke78


    I always say if you can put more light in there then hell yes, If you can maintain temp and airflow properly.
  7. Bsmoke78


    What’s your light set up now?
  8. Bsmoke78

    Yellow leaves with spotting

    We all are learning lol
  9. Bsmoke78

    Yellow leaves with spotting

    And for first grow damn good job brother
  10. Bsmoke78

    Yellow leaves with spotting

    Yeah don’t think your gonna get huge colas but you will have a shit load of smaller ones
  11. Bsmoke78

    Yellow leaves with spotting

    Little over 7 weeks
  12. Bsmoke78

    new to growing legal weed. AZ 4300 elevation going to grow outside

    Have* some people remove buds I leave if there not that big, if you got a lot of critters around I would get rid of but no mini harvest lol. Couple weeks they will go back to normal growth
  13. Bsmoke78

    Yellow leaves with spotting

    Awesome she likes to eat mine are on 2 day schedule as well finishing up
  14. Bsmoke78

    new to growing legal weed. AZ 4300 elevation going to grow outside

    Nice they will reveg some of mine how started also just a form of super crop should get some monsters end of summer
  15. Bsmoke78

    Yellow leaves with spotting

    I would just because they use it up a lot during flowering stage and she is a beast and eats a lot for those buds
  16. Bsmoke78

    AC taking too long to cycle on.

    I just lowered my ac temp to keep up mine does same-thing (hisense) she is a beast and keeps rocking
  17. Bsmoke78

    new to growing legal weed. AZ 4300 elevation going to grow outside

    I do fine in Vegas every year outside just have to baby them a lot and water all the time lol. I would invest in g house $130 at Walmart online
  18. Bsmoke78

    Week 3 of flower

    Nice just finishing up my 3 ladies with 3-2000 watt Samsung about equivalent to 1200 hps
  19. Bsmoke78

    Yellow leaves with spotting

    Nice plant I would cal mag def just normal at this point of grow to see some