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  1. M

    First organic grow with scrog net.

    Before I potted up I mixed up the mix with my earth dust amendments and let it cook for 2weeks to create a microbial network. Keeping damp and dark. Had a nice little colony on top
  2. M

    First organic grow with scrog net.

    It was just a peat based “pro-mix”
  3. M

    First organic grow with scrog net.

    The earth dust has ewc in it I think. Would that help carry them through flower if I too dressed with them? Or better to make a shit tea?
  4. M

    First organic grow with scrog net.

    I just top dressed with the boost a week and a half ago. When I I flipped to 12-12 I had made a tea from half base/boost and bubbles it up for 24hrs.
  5. M

    First organic grow with scrog net.

    I have well water that runs with a pretty constant ph of 6.5-6.8. Grow medium 10gal fabric pots with a living soil I made with Earth Dust organic dry Nutrients (base and boost)
  6. M

    First organic grow with scrog net.

    Hey guys/ladies. At the 6ish week of flower with Canuck dosi-dos(left) and wedding cake(right). I’m still new and tried a scrog this run but I digress. My question is: is it normal for the larger fan leafs to start to yellow and die off at this stage in the time line.
  7. M

    Sour D and white pistils

    SpiderFarmer “4000” LED
  8. M

    Sour D and white pistils

    Soil, fox farm nutes, just water and molasses for the last week or two. SpiderWorks 4000. Carbon filter and fan for air circulation. Average temp 70-75F
  9. M

    Sour D and white pistils

    I’m in week ten of flower and damn near all my pistils are still white. Should I let it keep going? When I checked the trics the were mostly cloudy but some still glassy.
  10. M

    Should I chop or wait???

    The 10th will be 10weeks on 12/12
  11. M

    Should I chop or wait???

    Ok I’m back, lol. Chop or wait? Found this seed in a bag and pretty sure it’s GG#4
  12. M


    Started some lst earlier in the week. She keeps pulling my anchor out of the soil. Probably need to tie down to the side of the container soon.
  13. M


    Critical mass X big bud ?
  14. M

    Should I chop or wait???

    Just realized when I started this thread, lol. I didn’t even make it a week past the original thread post. Whoops
  15. M

    Should I chop or wait???

    Dark closet, light air circulation,67ish F, 50%rh
  16. M

    Should I chop or wait???

    Damnit, my impatient ass jumped the gun. live and learn. First run, many more to come. I appreciate the constructive criticism, it’s the only way I’ll learn. Much love.
  17. M

    Should I chop or wait???

    Well I chopped as of today! Absolutely beautiful. What’s an average dry time hanging. Hanging the whole plant not trimmed. Have vacuum seal lids for my cure. Do I still need to burp them with out the presence of oxygen?
  18. M


    That’s what I figured. Thanks for the confirmation.