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  1. N

    Calcium deficiency?

    Yah, like I said bagseed and I had nothing but a pot and soil out back that was used for tomatoes. Flying by the seat of my pants I'm at where I'm at now. But do have 3 fem bubble gum seedlings one in veg. Now these are in ffo soil with a little extra perlite. Haven't hit them with neuites yet...
  2. N

    Calcium deficiency?

    So looking at the deficiency chart this is what I think? So this is happening to my older fan leafs so I'm thinking since I broke her a week into flower and in 2 spots. That she's taking that energy from those leaves to heal her self. Now 2 days before I broke her I feed her alaska morbloom with...
  3. N

    Calcium deficiency?

  4. N

    Calcium deficiency?

    One thing I didn't mention was during feeding I don't add neuites just half tap water and half purified water. Not sure about the purified water and why I started doing it that way but have been through the whole grow.
  5. N

    Calcium deficiency?

    Yah, I water every other day with about a quart, so I'm pretty sure I'm not overwatering. But that def. chart should help.
  6. N

    Calcium deficiency?

    Oh one more question I had, sorry. What about flushing her?
  7. N

    Calcium deficiency?

    Thanks guys!! Really want to figure this out before it gets out of hand.
  8. N

    Calcium deficiency?

    Sorry solution
  9. N

    Calcium deficiency?

    Where would you get seaweed element?
  10. N

    Calcium deficiency?

    A few upper fan leafs it's spreading a little bit and it's been a week in a half, about.
  11. N

    Calcium deficiency?

    They are dead spots that crumble at the touch.
  12. N

    Calcium deficiency?

    And wasn't to sure about the nitrogen in it being 3 week's into flower. Lots of different opinions on that.
  13. N

    Calcium deficiency?

    On here, reading other threads and looking at pics. Haven't really given it any calcium except for what's in the water. Like I said first time so not sure if that was the right move.
  14. N

    Calcium deficiency?

    Left out emojis for some reason?
  15. N

    Calcium deficiency?

    1000 watt carambola led, bagseed, backyard soil. First grow, Og kush, feed her fish emulsion twice during veg and added bone meal to soil when transplanted 5 gal pot. I'm 3 week's into flower, feed her morbloom 1 week in. Probably to early. Then 2 days later broke down the center trying to tie...
  16. N

    Calcium deficiency?

    Sorry, first time posting. First grow wondering if this is calcium deficiency.
  17. N

    Calcium deficiency?
