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  1. S

    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    Fuck so I'm screwed
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    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    wow really how if I've been giving it?
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    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    No No the only thing I've given it is the big bloom
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    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    So I need to water less and check the pH then
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    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    Yeah I haven't been testing the pH and I knew that would come back to bite me in the end it's organic soil with worm castings I got at home Depot ( I know probably not the best )
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    Need some advice is my plant doomed

    It has started turning yellow and losing some leaves it started flowering 3 weeks ago. I've been giving it Fox farms big bloom and watering it every couple days and feeding it every other time I give it water. (Gave it 3 times total) and the main reason I started giving it the big bloom in the...
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    First grow looking for advice

    Thanks for your input I appreciate it!
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    First grow looking for advice

    It's been almost 3 weeks, and she's getting pretty big for the tent. I'm gonna try to do something tomorrow without doing too much damage and I gotcha. I'm new to my area so I have to find a store like that near me, also a place to get more seeds! I'll post a picture of my try at tying it down...
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    First grow looking for advice

    So then tomorrow I'm going to either super crop it or try to bend it and see where that goes. Ill see what I can do about my water situation until I can get bills paid and have extra cash. I'm not giving up either! I know it's gonna take some time to get it right, I'm just trying to get it right...
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    First grow looking for advice

    I only have about 6 more inches.. thank you for all the information I'm writing everything everyone is telling me down for next time I can't thank you enough for the help
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    First grow looking for advice

    Am I supposed to be using like distilled water? Or purified water?
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    First grow looking for advice

    No i no I don't , that has to be my problem what should the pH be at? I understand it should be controlled I just haven't went out and gotten what I need to keep it controlled. I am planning on planting another one soon and am using this one to learn what to avoid/ what to work on
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    First grow looking for advice

    Thank you that makes sense. What kind of soil/nutrients should I be looking for for my next grow? Also I know I'm getting a little ahead of myself but about how much longer am I looking at before harvest? Any and all feedback is appreciated
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    First grow looking for advice

    Is it supposed to droop like this? I turned the light off at 7, I was thinking that it might just be doing that because the lights off but I just wanna make sure it's nothing to worry about
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    First grow looking for advice

    Yes 4 feet. Thank you for the feedback. If I'm not using nutes how can I lower the n of the soil
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    First grow looking for advice

    I have a small room fan in there and I use tap water let it sit for a night before using.
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    First grow looking for advice

    Another thought is if I top it should just top the main stem or also the other branches too?
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    First grow looking for advice

    Are you suggesting tying down the branches with plant ties? And I haven't used any nutrients but water every 2 days
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    First grow looking for advice

    I'm not using any nutrients but I'm thinking the soil I'm using has too much nutrients. And I was giving it water every 4 days but it started to droop after about 2 so I recently started watering it every 2 days. Will the top dress help with the claw look or just the overall health of the plant?
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    First grow looking for advice

    I gotcha. Thank you for your input though I'll do some research on how to lower it