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    First grow day 55 from sprout Newbie Nerves

    Just wanted comments, advice if anyone has any helpful tips for me. This is my first cannabis grow ever. Need help finishing these ladies
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    48 days from sprout! Are these girls okay?

    I have another light coming Friday, help them along. My first grow ever, want to finish sweet
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    48 days from sprout! Are these girls okay?

    First grow OG Kush autoflowers Sprouted February 14th (48 days ) I believe Just new and nervous!! I think I've probably got awhile to go yet, but whatcha guys think? In a 3x3 tent, almost filling it up. The plant on the right was a mutation, if you can believe that! Never tried to LST or...
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    Is it too soon for LST? And is this a mutation? HELP

    Here they are today, 48 days from sprout My first grow ever!! Still have a ways to go I think?
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    Is it too soon for LST? And is this a mutation? HELP

    Just an update, these girls are super thirsty, is this normal? Drinking close to 2 gallons every 2 days now Newbie wants to finish strong @ dankbongula
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    What week of flowers do buds get the most dense

    Hi, my autoflowers are 6 weeks from sprout. I've noticed they are really thirsty, drinking about 1 1/2gallons every 2days right now. I am growing in FFOF, adding cal-mag, big bloom and tiger bloom every other watering. My temps are around 80 most of the day, with night around 68-72. RH is...
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    Is it too soon for LST? And is this a mutation? HELP

    Getting junglefied. First 2 pics are my mutie girl , second 2 her sister
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    Is it too soon for LST? And is this a mutation? HELP

    Yes she's showing off and THIRSTY! Sucked up a whole gallon this am, little almost no run off. I have started giving her calmag and a 1/4 strength grow big. He bigger sister is blooming so I have her somr calmag and big bloom. She also sucked up a gallon of water this am
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    Is it too soon for LST? And is this a mutation? HELP

    Thanks , I was leary of doing too much of anything with the mute. I was just gonna let her survive. Well now she is showing off. I think I'm going gently bend some side branches over, I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to try and bend the main cola. But then again, she's doing her thing!
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    Is it too soon for LST? And is this a mutation? HELP

    Yes! So happy with her
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    Is it too soon for LST? And is this a mutation? HELP

    First 2 pics are the mute
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    Is it too soon for LST? And is this a mutation? HELP

    Okay this is today, I got some work to do! @Dank Bongula
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    Is it too soon for LST? And is this a mutation? HELP

    Okay, so it's been a couple weeks since I posted, I just want to share the progress. Suggestions welcome , first grow. And look at the mute!!!
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    Chaotic LST SCARED 1st time

    Thank you for the advice, greatly appreciated!
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    Chaotic LST SCARED 1st time

    That sounds like a cool idea, interesting! Thank you for your advice
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    Chaotic LST SCARED 1st time

    I have FFOF mixed with perlite, they haven't had any additional nutrition as of yet. Was thinking about giving them some FF grow big in the next watering. I'm using mars hydro at 75 percent. I want to go ahead and turn the lights up, but wondering if I should wait until they start flowering??
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    Chaotic LST SCARED 1st time

    I agree!