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  1. S

    Should I add light and how much?

    Oh damn... I’ll be saving for a while I guess haha. At best I will be a budget tent grower for a while it sounds
  2. S

    Should I add light and how much?

    I think I am only 2 maybe 3 weeks from harvest at most. I have a 6” inline with carbon filter for extraction and a small fan running to keep air movement
  3. S

    Should I add light and how much?

    So I am finishing up my first grow and pretty damn sure I need more light. Using a 300 watt ufo LED for a 4x4 tent. Question is should I just add another one or what other suggestions do you all have? Anyone else growing with these lights or are they trash...
  4. S

    Probably At least 1 issue

    first grow, already found tons of info on this page and thanks in advance for any help. I know they are probably in too small of pots but afraid to transplant at this stage so I may be fighting root bound issues but not sure.. ph trying to keep it around 6.5 and growing in emerald triangle “420...
  5. S

    How concerned should I be?

    First post here, first grow. Already found tons of info on this page and thanks in advance for any help. I know they are probably in too small of pots but afraid to transplant at this stage so I may be fighting root bound issues but not sure.. ph trying to keep it around 6.5 and growing in...