Should I add light and how much?

So I am finishing up my first grow and pretty damn sure I need more light. Using a 300 watt ufo LED for a 4x4 tent. Question is should I just add another one or what other suggestions do you all have? Anyone else growing with these lights or are they trash?
Thanks for any info! ✌


Well-Known Member
That light draws 100w @ the wall...wayyyy underpowered for a 4x4.
You want a minimum of 35w per square foot...more is better.
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
It is not that they are trash, it is just that the shape and power are far from ideal.

You want a dimmable fixture that fills your tent with about 600 watts that are highly in 2.0 or higher efficiency.

If you want an idea of what is sold all the time to serious growers, the HLG brand has several 600watt fixtures with 4 quantum boards. Fluence sells high end fixtures that can sit 6" above the canopy. Many here build their own for savings and quality.

Plan on $400 to $1200 if you want a top end setup for a 4x4. Many HLGs are sold on sale for around $600 to $700 these days. Chinese knockoffs are now high quality and a big cost saver. You could cut the cost in half that way.
It is not that they are trash, it is just that the shape and power are far from ideal.

You want a dimmable fixture that fills your tent with about 600 watts that are highly in 2.0 or higher efficiency.

If you want an idea of what is sold all the time to serious growers, the HLG brand has several 600watt fixtures with 4 quantum boards. Fluence sells high end fixtures that can sit 6" above the canopy. Many here build their own for savings and quality.

Plan on $400 to $1200 if you want a top end setup for a 4x4. Many HLGs are sold on sale for around $600 to $700 these days. Chinese knockoffs are now high quality and a big cost saver. You could cut the cost in half that way.
Oh damn... I’ll be saving for a while I guess haha. At best I will be a budget tent grower for a while it sounds


Well-Known Member
Oh damn... I’ll be saving for a while I guess haha. At best I will be a budget tent grower for a while it sounds
It is the one thing worth spending $$ on. If a few buddies would benefit from a better can make back the light cash real fast through donations. .