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  1. J

    This bitch right here .....

    If hemp was a no THC strain the DEA wouldn’t tryin to b regulating it right now , it def has delta-9 its jus too small fr a solid benefit a .3 limit on it . I’m jus saying there’s a compromise in all this where cannabis is valid without too much heart race , do u understand wat I’m telling you
  2. J

    This bitch right here .....

    Delta -9 is highest in that early harvest window , ur shits weaker in delta -9 the later u pull it . It’s not a about a “heady” high or a “racy “ high it’s cuz ur shit is actually weaker . And ur personality and environment affect where it goes after that
  3. J

    This bitch right here .....

    Love ur input more than anyone else’s on here fr sure . So wat the hell are all these “hemp flower” strains up to then ? Jus dipping them in alcohol after curing to get rid of delta -9 , I need to get schooled
  4. J

    This bitch right here .....

    I still don’t understand wat the hell ur tryin to say . Good luck tryin to create that strain in the closet or good luck tryin to get people to get on board with it ?
  5. J

    This bitch right here .....

    I went to far there i agree. I do love em
  6. J

    This bitch right here .....

    I’m not trying to b combative but it’s the delta -9 man’s the main ingredient fr the stimulant effect . All stimulants have a paranoia aspect to em . Coke, meth , even caffeine to some . The best part of cannabis is actually in the balance and I feel like we’ve forgotten that and become to...
  7. J

    This bitch right here .....

    And there’s the issue . We all done forgot that solid warmth we felt wen we took a puff or two off some mid grade at 16 . Before we all got to good at it , and made shit that had U thinkin bout ur past due bills cuz that delta 9 content got the heart racing lol
  8. J

    This bitch right here .....

    I’m tellin ya , there’s gold in the compromise somehow
  9. J

    This bitch right here .....

    Ya of course not , CBD is bogus we all know the medicine is in the Delta -9 , everything else is jus an entrepreneurs game . What I was trying to accomplish in this closet was mixing a high thc strain with one of these low thc strains , to finally get back to the 2-8% delta 9 range , while...
  10. J

    This bitch right here .....

    Alright, that’s all I was lookin for I appreciate it . I think the soil is beyond hot myself , but sometimes u jus need to hear an unbiased opinion state it . Like ur brothers drunk friend at thanxgiving , we don’t even no y he came really but his opinion is unadulterated
  11. J

    This bitch right here .....

    Or is it the soils fault , some of y’all out here pandering to ur selves
  12. J

    This bitch right here .....

    PH should obviously b around 6-7 DUDE . So it’s the PH testers fault then ,
  13. J

    This bitch right here .....

    U actually think they do tho
  14. J

    This bitch right here .....

    Thing being PH tester ? Or that poor little chick in the pot ...
  15. J

    This bitch right here .....

    Na I def don’t wanna know a 6 page process on how much u love growing weed more than anyone else , and how u woulda won a cannabis cup if ur girl didn’t dump ya that weekend . Wer gna let weeds grow like weeds and I’ll figure it out . I jus wanted the eyeball test
  16. J

    This bitch right here .....

    In its defense there’s some Durban poison of the real stuff to its left that ain’t doin much better it’s gta b the dam soil
  17. J

    This bitch right here .....

    Every tidbit from another person is always help if u scan the input right . Plus I apparently fucked up with this bag of soil and needed it confirmed . Or it’s jus an unlucky shitty seed order