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  1. K

    White pistols suddenly in veg wtf one plant

    Sorry this is only my second grow what do you mean by pms on the leaves. I moved the plant to its own tent. Just so I know it won't fuck with the others
  2. K

    White pistols suddenly in veg wtf one plant

    Sounds good thanks the others show no sign they are getting huge compared to this one. They look super strong I'm very happy with the other plants
  3. K

    White pistols suddenly in veg wtf one plant

    well that sucks lol but i guess thats better than it becoming a hermi plant or something. guess ill look up auto flowering plants and figure out what to do with that. i am guessing ill have to put it in a new tent and flowering it with its own light. why would you want a plant to flower this...
  4. K

    White pistols suddenly in veg wtf one plant

    Ordered blue dream from crop seed kings feminized. The other 5 are perfect and I have ordered these seeds before
  5. K

    White pistols suddenly in veg wtf one plant

    Rest of the crops look amazing just this one random one is flowering
  6. K

    White pistols suddenly in veg wtf one plant

    Lights are 18/6 but I switched 5 days ago from 24/7
  7. K

    White pistols suddenly in veg wtf one plant

    Sorry about the lights. This is order seed from cropped kings. Blue dream. Not auto here are pics without the light on
  8. K

    White pistols suddenly in veg wtf one plant

    It's like its straight up flowering what the fuck
  9. K

    White pistols suddenly in veg wtf one plant

    One of my plants suddenly is showing white pistols for some reason in vegging. What do I do is it turning hermi? This plants only been up for 3 and a half weeks and suddenly they came up over night. Attached are pics. Do I have to rip her out of the ground? I don't want to pollinate the rest of...
  10. K

    Any advice

    i have a 5 x 5
  11. K

    Any advice

    I was thinking another 4 more weeks but honestly I don't want to put a time frame on it I want the plants to just he super strong and ready and have as many tops as I can I want to try a scrog method. I have netting. So all the tops can get to the same height. I'm in no rush to put them in...
  12. K

    Any advice

  13. K

    Any advice

    Should I do that and take more pictures? Probably can't tell anything with that blue
  14. K

    Any advice

    This is my first time growing. I'm currently growing under 4 tmlpay 2000 watt leds lights. I'm growing 4 blue dreams. 4 do so don't. And 4 blueberry just. I am using fox farm trios and nitrozime as a foliage spray.I just topped all 12 plants and I have just super cropped all the plants as well...