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  1. C

    hows this sound

    alright homiees chilloutt, i should of edited that itwas an old draft. i recieved permission 2 weeks ago. and what the fuck risking peoples freedom wed be talkin two plants tops cops wouldnt even get involved if they knew. they simply said they dont wanna know about unless they go looking.
  2. C

    4 weeks flower 70W micro grow

    how do you guys think it would go if i rocked 65 watts of cfl for veg and 150 for flower. i got a 12inch by 30 inch speaker im using. a single bulb would be the source.(i have enough pc fans to cool it)
  3. C

    hows this sound

    1 x 150 cfl in ballast. 2x pineapple express seedlings ( just sprouted) inside a 14 by 8 inch speaker. What sorta cooling system should I use. Can't be to loud Cause.parents won't know.
  4. C

    real ng bong? sixteen inch diffused dowmstem.

    fuckheads im asking if its fake and madee shitty. not if im seeing bongs that arent there or whatever :)
  5. C

    can i use root exlerator on my plants

    4 months old almost from seed and flowering currently,check out my other posts for images. would it shock the plant or anything? its supoosedly really good for quickening root growth and also fungus and root rot
  6. C

    hows this flowering plant looking four months from seed

    Ontario And yes mines maybe four weeks in
  7. C

    hows this flowering plant looking four months from seed

    Three feet tall and pres.wide.idk.a few feet
  8. C

    hows this flowering plant looking four months from seed

    Not to sure got it from a buddy
  9. C

    hows this flowering plant looking four months from seed

    She's not ready for harvest for a little while. I trimmed a few leaves to get light to other budsites.and to make more trichs. Its Danky as shit now. I've used half organic compost 15 percent perlite and the rest quality topsoil. O transplanted first week of flowering and rains been great lately
  10. C

    is this flowering

    Progress is immense Whado u think four month outdoor bush
  11. C

    what strain is this

    that's the most recent pic. There's little pink hairs starting from the top of the white ones
  12. C

    stem turning yellow/brown

    I used miracle grow in veg then went organic for flowering and two weeks before. Organic compost and bat gueno
  13. C

    stem turning yellow/brown

    Same her fellas mine is two weeks into making my precious and its 2.6 ft. Lots of colas but the 1/3 brownish light brown. Maybe its the organic compost I'm using. It starts from the bottom up
  14. C

    Unbidden thoughts that kept me from finishing college

    All humanities fault
  15. C

    is this flowering

    sorry guys the photos wouldnt go from my mobile ill try again. and yes it is outdoor :) here hows this :) how wood the yield be affected if i went organic for flowering? buds would be astounding though.
  16. C

    is this flowering

    Would it Be a good idea to use organic compost instead of flowering nutes. The buds would probably taste so good. How wood the yield be affected
  17. C

    is this flowering

    Check out the progress
  18. C

    is this flowering

    yea i just trnasplanted to a pot tat 4x as big it should reach four ft. howm uc u think it can yield. theres four main top colas
  19. C

    is this flowering

    Sweet how much yield u think I'll get. I just transanted the big one into a pot 4x the earlier size.. With half organic compost.