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  1. vlokdog

    Fan leaves turning yellow then falling off. Arjan's # 1

    Watsup guys, My girls are just past 8 weeks flowering but recently the fan leaves have started turning yellow and seem to be dying. Pls HELP! Thanks Peace
  2. vlokdog

    Ready to harvest?

    Thanks , very helpful il see what happens
  3. vlokdog

    Ready to harvest?

    Watsup Guys, Will our buds be ready to harvest in two weeks? Its a sativa, Sawzi Gold, 6 ft, been flowering for 8 and a half weeks. Started flushing yesterday. Safe
  4. vlokdog

    150w single plant grow?

    I actually just changed to a 600
  5. vlokdog

    Fav. Movie to Watch While Stoned

    Pineapple Express no.1! Half Baked How High Kung Pow Planet Earth By David Attenborough, shit will make you trip balls!! Harold and Kumar 1 & 2 Strange Wilderness, Still dont have a clue what the movies about!! I know its not a movie, but Family Guy gives me a good chuckle Peace & SS
  6. vlokdog

    Great Stoner Quotes

    Steve Martin's is my favourite
  7. vlokdog

    Great Stoner Quotes

    Hey guys, Just looked at top 10 marijuana quotes on bakedlife. There some real goodies! Peace 10. "Even if one takes every reefer madness allegation of the prohibitionists at face value, marijuana prohibition has done far more harm to far more people than marijuana ever could."- William F...
  8. vlokdog

    First Grow…So Don’t Harsh my Stoke

    Bog ftw. Very good journal. Pitty the crowd hasnt come yet. Peace
  9. vlokdog

    Bubble-bucket brown spots on lower leaves

    Check ph. Because magnessium cant be absorbed by the plant with a ph below 5.5. Potassium can also be an issue
  10. vlokdog

    150w single plant grow?

    Ok sweet. When my current stock runs out ill change. What would you recommend?
  11. vlokdog

    150w single plant grow?

    What yield could I expect from my bubble-bucket setup, 80w cfl for 1st 2 weeks, 150w mh for veg, 150w hps for flowering, GH flora series, single plant pure outdoor Swazi strain?