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  1. trains strain

    lowryder and other short plants

    i dont know if its the strain or just my conditions but i have a NL Skunk and its only 6" but bushy as hell, branching out in every direction, branch on bracnh, its quite a site. when i looked up strain reviews it was considered a shorter plant
  2. trains strain

    Ph help!!

    ph up, for cheap use i use to use baking soda mixed with water and add that slowly to your system, but not too much cause it does work pretty well, i think its only for a quick fix though
  3. trains strain

    What causes PH to change

    thanks for the info, ive been wondering for a while now. my nutes say they are ph balanced to 5.8 and was curious as to why it was changing so drastically from the start. from now on ill do exactly that, no ph up, let it sit for a few days running the stone and add ph down if needed. thanks very...
  4. trains strain

    wondering if someone could help me out

    thanks for the info gypsy and thanks some what homebrew, either way ive done my research, i know what the solution has to be as in ph, ppm and temp. otherwise im a complete newb to be honest. ive done a few soil grows, just a plant here and there and decided dwc was the way. i was thinking it...
  5. trains strain

    What causes PH to change

    hey dude im in the same boat. i did a res change last night with RO water, added my nutes, ph levels were at about 4.8 at that time and ppms were 800, then i let it sit for an hour before swapping tubs, checked the ph and ppm again ph-4.8 (so i added some of my homemade ph up (baking soda and RO...
  6. trains strain

    wondering if someone could help me out

    ok well ive backed off on the solution so hopefully in a week or so it hsould go away, if not ill add more water to my solution. also does anyone know how to clean stained roots? using floranova series really stains the roots and gets me kinda worried if its root rot or not
  7. trains strain

    wondering if someone could help me out

    ok so 17 views and no replies, well maybe ill put some better pics on i have no clue what day she is on veg growth because i originally planted her in december, she went through some major slow growth in soil, i then switched to dwc in january, she took about 2 weeks to recover and now this is her.
  8. trains strain

    wondering if someone could help me out

    hey everyone at riu. this is my first dwc. im currently in the process of growing one NLxSkunk. shes my only lady, and yes she is a lady. anyways latley ive been noticing some browning on the tips and now making its way to the center of the big fan leaves so heres the setup for all who can...
  9. trains strain

    what to do with top of BP DWC when changing res...

    that works too lol if you have a spare tub that is, i ended up investing a few more just in case
  10. trains strain

    what to do with top of BP DWC when changing res...

    i use my sink when theyre young, just position the lid to cover the sink with the roots dangling in the sink, i then also clean my roots off at this point and let all the excess crap go down the drain, other wise i just use a larger rubbermaid container and do the same thing, kind of criss...
  11. trains strain

    WFT is wrong with my perfect DWC!!?!?!!??!

    have you been keeping an eye on your ppm? i know i had fluctuating ppm when i first started mine, im currently undergo my first dwc and am having amazing results so far. i was always told dont start adding nutes until the second set of leaves then start in the order you did. also you dont want...
  12. trains strain

    Miracle Grow

    yeah definitely get soil thats just pure soil, i think its called soiless mix, it has no nutrients in it, you just gotta make sure you add your own nutes in every other watering or so, growfaq will have basic schedule to follow, basically just keep an eye on your plants, if they get burned tips...
  13. trains strain

    Soaking my hydroton

    yeah what i did with my hydroton, is got a big plastic container filled with ph'd 5.8 water and let them soak until i need to use them and when i remove some i use a straining spoon then add more hydroton to be rinsed, this way i always have some ready to go. all the dust and shit just sits at...
  14. trains strain

    flora nova nutes any good?

    im currently using 6-42w cfls 6500k(each are 150w incandescent equivalent) 4-26w cfls 2500k(each are 60w incandescent equivalent im pretty sure, i forget though) using them for flowering isnt as good as using a hps. definitly dont get the dense nugs hps can give you but cfls do work...
  15. trains strain

    flora nova nutes any good?

    yeah, i checked out this one hydro store today and found net pots ranging from 5cents to 75cents haha so i figure id get 8 since they were so cheap, theyre the 4inch net pots, nice and cheap but good quality, also checked out hps with cool tube and the guy says he can hook me up with 400w hps...
  16. trains strain

    flora nova nutes any good?

    the temp is sitting at about 67-69F. i added silver reflective tape to the top of the dwc lid to prevent light penetrating from the top and wrapped some of the insulation i used for my cab, to wrap around my res to try and maintain that temp thanks for geting back to me
  17. trains strain

    flora nova nutes any good?

    sweet im checkin that out too, i seem to be expeiencing slow growth, actually no growth at all since i planted, past sunday. the water level is right at the bottom of the net pots, not submerged but just sitting on top with lots of bubble action. ph and tds levels are all good just wondering why...
  18. trains strain

    A day in the life of toke

    very nice setup, gonna keep on this to see where it goes nice pic inside the box btw haha :eyesmoke:
  19. trains strain

    DWC and Bubbleponics!

    well im extremely glad to see this sub forum up already! so far everyone and their grows and advice have been a huge help to me in getting my first dwc set up. once its fully complete i will be taking pics to show(if my cam will work for me) so far ive already learned more today since the new...
  20. trains strain

    flora nova nutes any good?

    very nice setup regionaldragon, right now im running 6 42w cfls 4 26w cfls 2 3gallon ruber maid containers 3" net pots, 2 in each tub (total 4) floranova grow and will be using flora nova bloom for flower GH ph down good ol bakin soda for ph up and some RO to help the plants so far, after...