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  1. marijuananation

    3 Word Story

    running from police
  2. marijuananation

    3 Word Story

    growin hella trees
  3. marijuananation

    First Outdoor Grow, Tell me what you guys think!

    i would put them into bigger pots my friend, other than that they are loooking good,
  4. marijuananation

    3 Word Story

    only need three
  5. marijuananation

    3 Word Story

    , or Bert/Ernie's
  6. marijuananation

    3 Word Story

    A feral child
  7. marijuananation

    3 Word Story

    raised by wolves
  8. marijuananation

    Dumping A Reservoir Outside

    I feed all of my runoff water to my garden year round.. Even if we get snow (which doesn't happen very often..) (BC) It makes for a great nutrient addition to your garden come spring time.. Your plants will love it when you place them into the garden come spring time.. I don't dump it on...
  9. marijuananation

    fish carcass for ferts !

    Is that his girll.. He wishes.. lol.. Damn I would wish too.. lol it's a jail bait picture from google.. lol There are a bunch of different :jailbait" pictures around Peace and Happy Growing !!
  10. marijuananation

    fish carcass for ferts !

    Here is my recipe for fish Fertilizer I have used it for years outdoor with great sucess..   How to make it   If you use fresh fish, you need to compost it in a 5 gallon closeable bucket. Fill bucket 1/2 full with extra browns like sawdust, leaves, or straw. You can add...
  11. marijuananation

    3 Word Story

    (marijuana PCP cigarettes)
  12. marijuananation

    Tafbang is making me wanna slice my own throat....

    haha is that the guy who is trying to grow like 8 plants in a chandelier using incandescent light bulbs (standard house light bulbs)?? I seen that thread a few days ago, and I didn't even want to reply to him because he is definately not taking anyones proper advice. He seems to be asking...
  13. marijuananation

    3 Word Story

    with embalming fluid
  14. marijuananation

    3 Word Story

    searching most year
  15. marijuananation

    Most Efficient Commercial Grow Methods

    what are you talking about?? this thread is only 3 days old.. back in the day??? are you feeling alright buddy?? 3 grams per watt.. really !!! I agree with you on the pissing match between BC and Cali.. we both grow some killer bud and we both have som excellent genetics floating around our...
  16. marijuananation

    3 Word Story

    worldwide generator jump
  17. marijuananation

    first sign of buds!!!! :)

    It's simple.. you click this link: THE CFG CLUB(the club for growing under compact fluors!!!) Introduce yourself, let the other members know what you are growing and with what lights... make sure to subscribe to the thread, so that you don't have to search for it when the thread is updated...
  18. marijuananation

    3 Word Story

    thinking pressure playground
  19. marijuananation

    3 Word Story

    You sure are....
  20. marijuananation

    Corpzmanup's Grow starting with Week 1 Flower *LOTS OF PICS*

    You seem to have the basics down, Everything looks very nice and clean, but your plants are stretching terribly, the nodes are way too far apart.. your yield will most likely suffer.. I wish you the best of luck. you would also get alot more views if you were to re-start this thread as a grow...