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  1. fireduck

    my mother is bleeding RED after topping

    mine was bleeding dark purple (mazar.) stems were green
  2. fireduck

    DIY Programmable Light Mover

    Yeah, i got 7.5v supply to the controller, i used battery just to move it around while testing. I chose stamp just because i had it laying around, and it's really easy to program. I also have arduino decimilia board, but thats overkill
  3. fireduck

    Finally my grow room [Video]

    Hello I've started month ago after reading rollitup for days. You guys are a lot of help. Thanks! Heres my grow room 2 joined ebb&flow trays with 3/4 gallon paint buckets with drilled holes; Aircooled 400MH/HPS with DIY light mover; 20Gallon reservoir, water pump, thermaltake 70CFM...
  4. fireduck

    DIY Programmable Light Mover

    I guess i will program it to move 6 runs from side to side over 18hr light cycle
  5. fireduck

    DIY Programmable Light Mover

    Good morning rollers! Today I've made a light mover from VEX kit parts and basic stamp controller. And wanna show off :) You can duplicate same setup using parts bought off ebay Design is simple: Dolly rides on 2 wheels along the rail (lowes bought, aluminum L-shaped, positioned like this...
  6. fireduck

    Light mover speed

  7. fireduck

    Light mover speed

    Hey guys How fast does light mover moves? I'm building a light mover, and would like to know what pattern to program it for. My light rail is a straight aluminum L-shaped rail, mounted like this: \/ in the grove rides a little cart with 2 wheels with 2 sensors and a controller. Cart is...
  8. fireduck

    temporary hiding place

    I had to put my 2 week old plants in the attic, complete darkness and about 65F, they spent there about 20hrs. Nothing happened to them.
  9. fireduck

    Ebb & Flow - one large pot (bucket)

    What if I take one large tub, fill it up with hydroton, pant 16 plants per 10 gallon tub and do regular flood & drain routine? Thats instead of having individual net pots sitting in flow tray. This way i can use less nute solution (relatively) and can plant more plants per tub. Has anyone done...
  10. fireduck

    Laminate your leaves?

    try this NH Foliage - How to preserve leaves -
  11. fireduck

    How many people know about your grow?

    for me - noone. When i started i showed to my close friend who is a stoner too,and later regret: he was bragging about it to few his friends, even after serious conversation with him. back then i had 11 plants growing, mazar and ww, 2 weeks from seeds. Then my house got raided... by MY MOM! she...
  12. fireduck

    How many people know about your grow?

    Forgot...Considering your garden is illegal :leaf:
  13. fireduck

    How many people know about your grow?

    Whats up growers How many people know about your grow? Do you keep it secret even to your closest friends? If somebody knows, did you ever wish they didn't?
  14. fireduck

    First grow - nutrients and seedlings

    Thanks for quick replies! I've got Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow 3-2-4, label suggests for seedlings 1 1/2 tsp /gal I guess i will give them just under 1/2 tsp /gal during next watering
  15. fireduck

    First grow - nutrients and seedlings

    heres pictures: one of the seedlings, whole setup, and my diy lights (12x 40w wide spectrum) All room surfaces lined with plastic and 1/2" stirofoam boards with reflective film glued to them. Floor has only plastic cover.
  16. fireduck

    First grow - nutrients and seedlings

    Whats up, growers! I just started a first grow about 10 days ago Seeds sprouted fine Right now they are in 1" rock cubes, submerged in pots with hydroton About 2-3 inches tall, got 1 pair of real leafs and developing 2nd and 3rd pairs. Most guides say "dont feed nutrients for first 3 weeks"...
  17. fireduck

    Root sticking out

    I was thinking about re-cubing, but probably the seedling already rooted in existing cube, and it will kill it. Probably I will add a slice of cube on top of existing to wrap around the stem.
  18. fireduck

    Mail Ganj

    Make cookies or brownies with it and ship it.. I know cant smoke it, but pretty safe Love, Grandma lol
  19. fireduck

    Root sticking out

    here is a better picture
  20. fireduck

    Root sticking out

    Whats up guys This is my first grow. Feminized White Widow and Mazar Of course, I'm paranoid about my babies:) germinated in small rockwool cubes; Picture taken 5 days after transplanting into pot looks like this one is trying to get out of the cube, and top root is sticking out. Should i do...