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  1. W

    Yellowing, crispy tips

    No, just the nitrogen solution from the hydro store mixed with water at the correct portion.
  2. W

    Yellowing, crispy tips

    Should i maybe try changing the soil that i use? These plants have only been in this soil for maybe 2 weeks and all i was using for the first week was nitrogen/water combo, wondering if my soil is too rich (Its an organic soil with guano and worm casings, among a few other things.). Flushed...
  3. W

    Yellowing, crispy tips

    Heres a newer picture of one of the bottom fan leaves. Tips curled up and crispy.
  4. W

    Yellowing, crispy tips

    Also, not sure about this one but ive never checked the ec and am unaware if it is necessary to do so in soil. Could this have any thing to do with this problem?
  5. W

    Yellowing, crispy tips

    All that i had been giving them was the diluted nitrogen in water, but i stopped that about 7 days ago, after i flushed. they didnt really change much after that, maybe a bit more yellowing but not much. Since i stopped the nitrogen water its only been ph balanced water every 2 days.
  6. W

    Yellowing, crispy tips

    So i mostly just have random problems all over the place. Used to be temp problems which we fixed (everything is around 75F now) to spider mites (which were winning a battle with). My question is: is this a ph problem? For a while we forgot to test out water because it was really constant, but...
  7. W

    Ventilation For Cabinet

    So what do you guys think; Im thinking about adding an addition to my cabinet to make ventilation better. Right now it stays around 80 on botton and 75 on top, but i want it to be the same. Im also concerned that i am not getting enough fresh air coming in which is the majority of the reason for...