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  1. Mylar

    8 month old seeds?? Good/Bad ?

    Okay SuperFriends... I will need to start nutes and all that good ish in a week or two. Whats good? How much? How often? FYI - Hydro grow set up: Veg is on a drip system, Flower is ebb n flo flood system (2x4x6 flood table -18 galloon res.) AND I wanna go organic. I have Humboldt's...
  2. Mylar

    cant get past seedling stage help! What's "atm"? Sorry still have my newb ears on.:-?
  3. Mylar

    8 month old seeds?? Good/Bad ?

    16 seeds in individual 1" Rockwool under 4 T8s. I could not have come this far without ma fello tokers!! Love you mannnnn! This a great test run. I am dreaming about the seeds I want to order... maybe early summer late spring. I've deciced on reserva privada LA cheese and Barneys farm 8 ball...
  4. Mylar

    8 month old seeds?? Good/Bad ?

    Thanks again everyone! I am on lucky Newb!! BIG UP!
  5. Mylar

    8 month old seeds?? Good/Bad ?

    Thanks slomoking13! So, no lights till I see sprouts?
  6. Mylar

    8 month old seeds?? Good/Bad ?

    Yesterday you helped me with my seed prob. followed your sink method (riddleme), guess what? It worked! Thanks! So now i have some seeds with babyroots. I placed them in rockwell 1x1, now my question. Keep them worm and dark until sprouts, or warm and underlights? (i know 70-80 degrees for seeds...
  7. Mylar

    cant get past seedling stage help!

    vodoofx those are nice for 3wks. Topping looks cool. keep us posted.
  8. Mylar

    cant get past seedling stage help!

    What said! Thanks for the knowledge!
  9. Mylar

    8 month old seeds?? Good/Bad ?

    Can Man: Thats a beautiful story i hope i have the same happy ending. LOL I soaked 9 of em in Distilled water for 6 hrs then put them in with damp papertowels in a container at 80 degrees F and 99% Hum They have been in the container for 48 hrs now no signs of life, yet. Now i am taking the...
  10. Mylar

    8 month old seeds?? Good/Bad ?

    U rock! Good looks!
  11. Mylar

    8 month old seeds?? Good/Bad ?

    Riddleme: Thank you!! Im going hydro rockwool. Same steps? Germ place in cube?
  12. Mylar

    8 month old seeds?? Good/Bad ?

    I have these seeds from 4th July 2009, right out of the bud. I've had them in an airtight jar and dark place since. Are they still good? I only want to use them for a practice run anyway before I order some good ish. Thanks for your time.
  13. Mylar

    cant get past seedling stage help!

    advice: dont flood the newborns. You need a drip set.
  14. Mylar

    grow room help

    Hey bro, Fellow newb here for ya. I have gathered a 10 point list on getting started. From what I've learned in the past 2 months since I decided to grow my own fruits/vegys indoor. (doing my first "ghost run" now and germinating:hump:) 1) Research (wich is what your doing) 2) Figure out...
  15. Mylar

    Homemade Stealth Cabinet- Lots of pics!

    No doubt. I have never grown, workn on my set ups and dry runs right now. Veg is done, workn on flower room. I'm picky and anal bout stuff too (just eliminates variables.) Cant wait to get going though. Just started germ last night. I will post as soon as I have substantial info. Continue with...
  16. Mylar

    Homemade Stealth Cabinet- Lots of pics!

    Seriously impressed! Inspired. Nice job.
  17. Mylar

    Roots showing, should i transplant???

    In my research (so newb here) i have found that the fewer amount of times you transplant the better. So, Germ, sprout, pot and maybe another final "flowering" pot. The trick is (if you have the space and situation) get them in thier flowering pots asap. No real need to keep switchng pots every...
  18. Mylar

    Will I yield more if I veg for 3 months?

    Dazbeast hows it goin? Been a couple days. Man hope all those are fem. Ooh wee! Keep us posted.
  19. Mylar

    Will I yield more if I veg for 3 months?

    Have you cloned any of em and put them to flower? You should know the sex if your gonna veg and put in work for that long.:o
  20. Mylar

    ONCE AND FOR ALL! Please a real pro help the NEWB'S! FANS/FILTERS

    Sorry sorry. To much screen staring and not enough cron growin..know what I mean. Tryin my best at this. Got alot riding on it. Sorry again if i sounded rude...But look at all the responses, and everyone has the same data. Thats what Im talkin bout! Thanks ya'll! Peace.:leaf: