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  1. Jsw396


    Royal gold - kings mix I added more perlite aswel.
  2. Jsw396


    Ok, I appreciate you guys man. My first indoor, just not trying to wreck shit before I even get to flower lol
  3. Jsw396


    Coco mix - here's the ingredients INGREDIENTS: Coco Fiber, Aged Forest Products, Sphagnum Peat Moss, Perlite, Coco Chips, Bat Guano, Feather Meal, Kelp Meal, Fishbone Meal, Gypsum, Dolomite (PH adjuster), Basalt
  4. Jsw396


    Farmer, I've decided il just wait for the sake of not overwatering. So I will do just ph water for the next watering. Should I add more water than I usually do? Should I add a bit of this florakleen I have? I've read mixed reviews of flush agents. Lastly Should I add a tiny higher ph such as 6.3...
  5. Jsw396


    I just watered about an hour ago and I used lighter nutes today. For instance idk why but today did 2ml calmag, did 1ml micro/grow but left out the 1ml bloom. Just wasn't sure if it was getting too much phosphate so I decided to leave that one out. But would it be too late for me to run some...
  6. Jsw396


    Thnx Farmer b
  7. Jsw396


    Okay il give that a shot. I read you wanna feed every watering that's where I screwed up. Should I take any action like flushing, or just continue as is and water with regular ph water in a few days? Also could that be why my ph is lower coming out? It's going in a 6.05 and coming out around...
  8. Jsw396


    No, should I be? When you say just water does that mean plain old 0ppm ro water or should I ph it, and calmag or no calmag on those days?
  9. Jsw396


    I've only used nutes twice (third time today), and curious what is going on. So I always add nutes furst, and then ph. I let it sit for a while then recheck the ph. It's usually the same around 6-6.05ph, and then I water. So far the most I've watered at this stage is half gallon per the 4 for...
  10. Jsw396

    Weird Mosaic Discoloration

    Old post, just wanted to add I'm having identical issues. I am using 0 ppm RO water though, that's what's strange.
  11. Jsw396

    tobacco mosaic virus

    Thanks buddy. I do use cal mag but so far I have only used 2ml per gallon. Should I be stepping it up by now. I also have some epsom salt, am I able to use that with calmag? I added a few pictures from today aswell. Most affected plant is first. I have checked for mites with my 60x 100x, see...
  12. Jsw396

    tobacco mosaic virus

    So you think what I have could be genetic? I only asked because I seen a slight blemish on my bigger seedling as well, like 2 spots on 2 other leafs on that. They seem to be growing healthy I think otherwise.
  13. Jsw396

    tobacco mosaic virus

    Not trying to sound like an idiot. I stumbled on this link and it made me paranoid enough to ask for other opinions.
  14. Jsw396

    tobacco mosaic virus

    How did those 2 GG #4 plants end up doing? Did your yield suffer or anything compared to the other 2?
  15. Jsw396

    tobacco mosaic virus

    Too much light? Or genetics?
  16. Jsw396

    tobacco mosaic virus

    Please tell me this is not tobacco mosaic virus. After reading up I'm worried it could be.
  17. Jsw396

    Watering question.

    Thanks for the response buddy. Yeah I'm just trying to avoid overwatering at this point. Sounds like I'm doing ok, they respond very good after my watering so far. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't underwatering. I did read you can water a lot more often after the roots are established so I...
  18. Jsw396

    Watering question.

    So I’m in Royal Gold Kings Mix. It’s a Coco Perlite mix. I have added about 15-20% more perlite. I’m confused on when I need to be watering. I’ve read water coco everyday, 2+ times a day, don’t overwater seedlings, water everyday with nutes, don’t let salt build up, water with nutes everytime...
  19. Jsw396

    C-99 seedlings

    You guys are awesome on here man, quick responses. Here are the other 3. These pictures are a couple days old, and there is significant growth since then. Amazing how fast these little buggers can grow. I will update if you guys would like. Maybe I should start a journal on here. First indoor...
  20. Jsw396

    C-99 seedlings

    Yes someone made me aware of a tiny discoloration 2 days ago so I backed my light up a bit. It's now back at 30 inches at 35% it was at 18 inches 25%. I had stretching in the beginning and that's what prompted me to move it closer. All seems okay now. It's at around 9-10k lux.