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  1. Stonedz

    Flushing? i wonder...

    Dude you said it lol, at least 4 more weeks till mine are ready to inhale... after i flush im gonna stick a lil popcorn nug in the oven and give it a test though lol i cant wait any longer :lol:
  2. Stonedz

    Flushing? i wonder...

    Sweet guys thanks, gonna start flushing tomorrow! on the home stretch finally, it took forever! lol :bigjoint:
  3. Stonedz

    Flushing? i wonder...

    :leaf: BumP :leaf:
  4. Stonedz

    150watt Good or Bad?

    Indeed, get a 400 watt HPS or CFL's. I use a 150 watt HPS and about 15 CFL's for 2 plants lol
  5. Stonedz

    Flushing? i wonder...

    Ok cool, and they came out 50/50 cloudy/amber? Anyone else think i should start flushing now? :bigjoint:
  6. Stonedz

    Flushing? i wonder...

    So i was staring at my plants today and figured what the hell, lets check the trichs! so i grabbed my scope and was poking around a bit, and it seems that they are around 50/50 clear/cloudy. I was wondering if this would be a good time to start flushing? cause from what i've read, it seems about...
  7. Stonedz

    My Babies

    Here's a few bud shots, I moved the lights a lil farther away and they seem to be coming back around. Still lookin sad, but the buds are looking delicious :clap:
  8. Stonedz

    My Babies

    Damn, from 6 to 1, sorry to hear that bro. I had some Nute issues when i started flowering, I had too much P... and it killed most of the fan leaves, so i pretty much lollipopped em. But they are doing great, other than a lil heat stress too lol, i'll post some bud shots here in a sec. Mine are...
  9. Stonedz

    My Babies

    Ok cool, yea they kind of just shot right towards the HPS so i've had it as close as i could lol. But yea, yours look like mine when they started to curl when it started getting hot, Thanks man! glad to know it is heat stress and not some deficiency lol. Lookin good though bro, they turning...
  10. Stonedz

    My Babies

    Oh yea, how yur pink clones doin bro? :bigjoint:
  11. Stonedz

    My Babies

    Sweet brotha, yea i was hoping they'd go back, we've just had some hot days here, with no way to cool it down enough. They've been between 76 degrees and 83 degrees being the hottest, luckily its been cooling down pretty good everyday. They're doing great other than that though, just get fatter...
  12. Stonedz

    My Babies

    Here they be, bout 4 weeks into flower. They seemed to have some heat stress for about a week and a half ( we had some hot weather ), and they're starting to yellow also, so i gave them a little Grow Big this last watering. They're buds are getting nice and juicy! hairs all over the place...
  13. Stonedz

    +rep for any help. too much light?

    mmm this is true, you have any fans in there?
  14. Stonedz

    +rep for any help. too much light?

    Yea, temps seem fine, dont think its that.
  15. Stonedz

    +rep for any help. too much light?

    Dont think you can have "too much" light, but i hope this helps...
  16. Stonedz

    My Babies

    The light socket to plug? at Home Depot, they're about $1.50 a piece. I stuck some Y splitters in there also to get the most out of em, and they're around 2.25 each at the depot. :weed:
  17. Stonedz

    New econo-light?

    Yea, i got the $20 one myself and wired it all up to make a remote ballast. It was the best $20 i've spent so far on my grow :bigjoint:
  18. Stonedz

    My Babies

    Haha good lord, that doesnt sound fun at all.
  19. Stonedz

    My Babies

    haha yea i do now, but for the 1st day i didnt.... Holy headache lol
  20. Stonedz

    My Babies

    Lol, the only problem is i go blind everytime i open the door!