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  1. L


    Thanks for the input
  2. L


    Is that what you would do mate also if I mixed the trim would it not affect the flavor of the hash
  3. L


    Hi guys I'm 5 weeks in to flower tomorrow I have tangerine dream critical kush blueberry and strawberry kush and they have to be down by the 30 of April gf orders but I want o make the most out of them so m going to have a go at makble hash and what I wanted to no is should I keep the trim from...
  4. L

    Looking for info

    Hey mate I'm day 33 of flower on my first grow and this chart of the flowering stage is very useful to me so here you are Week 1: The plant slows down its growth Week 2: The first flowers appear at the nodes Week 3: Vegetative growth continues as the plant grows a total of between 25-50%...
  5. L

    Leaves dying 32 days into flower

    Ahh it's my first grow you see so I got the entire canna line and am just following there feed chart is it anything to worry about and how can I stop it there to early into flower to start doing this to me haha
  6. L

    Leaves dying 32 days into flower

    Yeah I have them on pk13/14 canna boost canna a and b canazyim and rhizotonic plus a spoon full of epsom salt every feed
  7. L

    Leaves dying 32 days into flower

    Hi everyone noticed the condition of my plants leaves are starting to down hill is this normal and if not any ideas on how to fix it
  8. L

    Welcome New Members!

    The first one is a normal looking td and the second pic is my weird plant still growing good tho
  9. L

    Welcome New Members!

    Well I have 12 plants all in flower 5 tangerine dream 3 critical kush 2 blue berry and 2 strawberry kush so I can't really take pics of all of them
  10. L

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi guys and girls I have just joined today and am in day 31 of flower with my first grow would it be to late to start a grow journal to help me get my plants to the finish line