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  1. lvlone

    Light help

  2. lvlone

    Light help

    I have it like this right now. I added two 55w Philips 2500k. I put a clone in there to from a hydro grow.
  3. lvlone

    How is my plant looking?

    Looks good to go
  4. lvlone

    Can I grow with this?

    I was thinking about doing that and removing the reflectors.
  5. lvlone

    Lights and nitrogen problem

    I'm growing with 2 55w 2500k cfls, and 9 23w 6500k cfls. The left one was just replanted and watered so it is trying to turn around. They also have a nitrogen problem I believe. Some one told me to use urine, but I thought that could not be as good as fox farm. Although it has a lot of nitro in...
  6. lvlone

    Can I grow with this?

    I ended up with 9 23watt 6500k, and 2 55watt 2500k. Watcha think? The plant in the left is re covering from low nitro I think, it should turn around.
  7. lvlone

    Light help

    I have been growing two plants under 5 23 watt 6500k each. It has got to the point were they are not growing as much as I want them too for this cab(3.5/2/5ft). So my question is if I got a 150 watt hps or possibly higher, could I grow at least 2oz or higher?
  8. lvlone

    Can I grow with this?

    So if I picked up a 150 would I be ok for a cab grow in soil? I was just doing a green sea with 2 plants, more if you think I could get away with it?
  9. lvlone

    Can I grow with this?

    So I could go get one 150 watt and replace everything with that?
  10. lvlone

    Can I grow with this?

    Ok, so let's say 2 plants with 5 23 watt cfls each, and a 105 watt cfl in between them I could see around 2 oz with training in a 5 foot tall 2 deep and 3.5 wide with reflection Cab?
  11. lvlone

    Can I grow with this?

    And i Or a 150watt hps light.
  12. lvlone

    Can I grow with this?

    What if I tossed in a 105wat 5000k cfl with the other bulbs? Think I could grow them full size?
  13. lvlone

    Can I grow with this?

    H how much bulbs did you use?
  14. lvlone

    Can I grow with this?

    You you did that with cfl?
  15. lvlone

    Can I grow with this?

    they were clones from my bubbleponics grow room, do you know a good sight for grow lights? I'm just going to make it a MH grow for veg.
  16. lvlone

    Can I grow with this?

    How big you thinking?
  17. lvlone

    Can I grow with this?

    Can I grow two plants with 5 23wat cfl lights 6500k each? My hps bulbs are broken I think and I need a simething low heat for this cabnet.
  18. lvlone

    Plant drooping

    The soil is dry and it has been 3 days. The cube it was in could be wet still?
  19. lvlone

    Plant drooping

  20. lvlone

    Plant drooping

    It is yellowing and it is not that firm like they should be.