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  1. theotherc

    how to install the fan???
  2. theotherc

    what is the highest yeilding strain?

    THC Bomb Marijuana Seeds
  3. theotherc

    Finding dealer for pound quantities

    FDD and Mr. Marks are right. If you have to ask on a internet forum, well then maybe you are in the wrong bizz. I have read alot of FDD's post's and well, from that I get he know's what he is doing and that's that. Why Question? and if Mr. Mark's is who he is Mr. Nice. Well then, that's...
  4. theotherc

    Skip the CFL's: The $20 150w complete HPS with ballast and bulb Link

    I dig what you are saying. Right now I figure 2 (23 watt cfl's 6500k & 5000K each) on each side of 150 hps will be killer for veggin. If I want to veg and flower then switch to two 2 42 watt 2700k on each side or do 1 105 (5000k) 6200 lumen's on each side. I am excited!!!
  5. theotherc

    Skip the CFL's: The $20 150w complete HPS with ballast and bulb Link

    I am talkin 2-4 plants max vegg'in and flowering. scrog style if I end up flowering in the same box.
  6. theotherc

    Skip the CFL's: The $20 150w complete HPS with ballast and bulb Link

    Me? I am either considering 2 of the 150 hps and making them into cool tubes. Or doing 1 with 2 105 watt cfl's (5000k) 6200 lumens on each side or doing 2 42 watt cfl's (2700k) each side. I have a cab that is long with shorter depth. Figure I can run a few cpu fan's and take care of temp...
  7. theotherc

    Skip the CFL's: The $20 150w complete HPS with ballast and bulb Link

    I get what you are throwin down! I do have the mean's of doing a diy reflector. Just wanted to make sure the cord bit I was on point with. I am thinking of doing one of these in the middle of 2 cfl's (x 2 with splitters) Thanks man.... I cant wait in the next few week's I will be setting...
  8. theotherc

    Need Help my CFL loving friends... Wiring a fixture.

    Thanks. I just don't want to burn down anything :) ... I figured it was the same, just wanted to make sure if there was any detail I was missing. Good luck to you as well!
  9. theotherc

    Skip the CFL's: The $20 150w complete HPS with ballast and bulb Link

    So, say just use a 16 gauge extension cord. match up the wire's and sha'zam a light? Because one of those plus one of these I am really liking this idear!!!
  10. theotherc

    Need Help my CFL loving friends... Wiring a fixture.

    I know I have seen it on here before, maybe I am not using the right terms in the search. I am looking to learn how to wire a Light fixture to a plug. Like one of these TO one of these I am pretty sure its as easy as matching the color's Black. White and green. But do I use a certian gauge...
  11. theotherc

    closet temp stay at 100 please help 400hps

    yeah Cooltube. Look up DIY Cooltubes and save your self some coinage. It will help greatly just hook up a exhaust to the tube with a fan sucking it out. I would also still use your box exhaust too. You should be able to obtain a good room temp then.
  12. theotherc

    Tire mulch works! (so far)

    I tell you what. I had a 6 site bubbleponics set up and it worked great. Now using Hempy Buckets and think I am hooked this method. Although you have to water yourself, It give me the control of doing so and still be hydroponically grown. There are so many method's and mediums you can use. I...
  13. theotherc

    Aluminum foil on walls?

    Word, what kinda of light's you using? I would be better safe than sorry and use something else. Eliminate any possibility.
  14. theotherc

    have to quit! tingling in arms legs etc

    The only side effect's I have ever had from smoking are: Happy Sleepy Hungry That sucks though, I don't know what I would do if I had adverse effect's from smoke.
  15. theotherc

    Aluminum foil on walls?

    No foil can create heat spots and burn plants. Go to target or walmart and get some of those cheap emergency blanket's that you find in a roadside kit. They are like mylar and will work good. or just paint it flat white.
  16. theotherc

    ventilation in entertainment center

    Here is my suggestion. Like under said, 1 at the top for exhaust, 1 at the bottom for intake. Put the fan's on the inside of the box either sucking in or blowing out. On the outside of hole use something like this. Carbon Prefilter That will decrease light leak and can help with smells at the...
  17. theotherc

    150watt HPS/CFL DWC Hydro Grow. First Attempt

    Yeah dont use soil for Hydro. Like Wyte said some rockwool and hydroton. Or you could do hempy buckets. Cheapest easiest way to grow hydro. I know folks use rockwool cubes, I haven't tried yet. I used the 1 inch peat plugs in hydroton and worked great.
  18. theotherc

    ventilation in entertainment center

    a few computer fans would do the trick. cut the board in the back to fit the fan. 1 fan in, 1 or 2 fans out should do it.
  19. theotherc

    Ugh! If this is what I think it is...

    I could open my dream store called Munchies - a store filled with all the favorites. :) hmmm what a life. Yeah out of 4 I had 1 herm. It is now out of the box but still going. Even if it has seed, it's still weed.
  20. theotherc

    fast veg, flower

    depends on the strain as well. What you growing? Indica's usually have a quicker flowering time that Saltiva's. Usually about 50-70 day's or so. Saltiva's can take abit longer. If you are looking for a quick turnaround, my suggestion look into the auto-flowering strains, but still 2 weeks...