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  1. HamSaze330

    outdoor seeds help

    no way man, that stuff on your plant is not bud.
  2. HamSaze330

    Vertical growing and LST?

    So I haven't seen any posts or threads with vert grows where people do much, if any, LST while doing vert grows and I assume its because you let the plants grow as tall and uninhibited as possible but the benefits are undeniable and Im just curious if its worth it for me to LST my plants or...
  3. HamSaze330

    First vert grow op, third grow.

    I order from Original Sensible Seed Company. Ive gotten 3 successful orders. Im really excited about the LSD, i've heard GREAT things. Also I meant to say 3 of the Sensi Seeds, 2 LSD, and 1 Cheese Candy.
  4. HamSaze330

    First vert grow op, third grow.

    Got my order today. Lovin the "working gloves" they sent. Its no shirt but im sure they will get some use.
  5. HamSaze330

    First vert grow op, third grow.

    So I'm about to finish a grow and I'm going to be switching to vert after meeting a few people who have been giving me a lot of advice and showing me a lot about what I "should" be doing. I have 3 plants right now about to be done flowering and I'm waiting on seeds from ossc. I bought a 24...
  6. HamSaze330

    Original SSC down?

    And Royal mail is preparing my shipment overseas
  7. HamSaze330

    Original SSC down?

    Word I just got my shipment email so all is golden!
  8. HamSaze330

    Blue Thai Scrog

    Any ideas on what youre gonna pull from her? Shes absolutely beautiful
  9. HamSaze330

    Wild's 1000W Brainstorm Grow

    Wonderful set up man! How are you liking the Secret Jardin? Im on my first grow using my 3x3 Twin and its a beast. I noticed you got your plants somewhat tied down but If I may suggest; Put the largest plants on the outsides/corners and put the smallest in the middle of the tent. It assures they...
  10. HamSaze330

    1000w Multi-Strain Madness

    That Bubba Kush is pretty dank, a friend of mine had 2 going and they were beautiful and resistant plants. I say resistant cause he put them through hell and they came out damn fine.
  11. HamSaze330

    Original SSC down?

    Got a reply to an email saying my order shipped on the 4th but I havent recieved a shipping and tracking number email. Now I guess I should just wait
  12. HamSaze330

    Original SSC down?

    Yes I am sorry for not clarifying, I wasnt sure if it was sensible or simple so I just put ssc haha
  13. HamSaze330

    Original SSC down?

    Ive ordered from them 2 other times and this is a first like this, and I set up an account this time! I figure ill wait about a week or so until I start freaking. I ordered a pack of 25 Sensi Seeds Reg A couple Barneys Farm LSD and I believe im getting 9 or 10 free seeds. Im ready to get these...
  14. HamSaze330

    Original SSC down?

    So I placed an order on the first and it hasn't been shipped and their website is down so anyone know what is up with that? Any info would be cool, also accepting reassurance to make me feel better!
  15. HamSaze330

    1000w Multi-Strain Madness

    This is a beautiful grow you got. I may have missed it but what size tent are you using? And are you just using that stand up fan or do you use anything else for ventilation?
  16. HamSaze330

    Day 1 flower. Here we go!

    Its really nice to see a first time grower doing so well. Your plants are so beautiful! Keep up the good work! Only suggestion would be get an HPS. You'll love what you can do with it.
  17. HamSaze330

    dinafem auto white widow SINGLE GROW

    That is a beautiful beast. Im also curious how long this took. And what type of light?
  18. HamSaze330

    Male flowers with pistils!

    I feel like no one saw that he already chopped the plant. I think that's awesome and if that guy gives you seeds ill be impressed. It seems like he wasn't happy enough with the first time around so this time he/she wants to make it up to you.
  19. HamSaze330

    1st post as well as 1st grow

    Its a little hard to tell but I would let them go a little longer. I'd say wait until you start to see your first amber trichs. Like maybe 3% on the plant. Then chop. That should give you what you want
  20. HamSaze330

    New State, New grow.

    I just saw your post man but that looks awesome haha. Heres a couple new pics. I broke the stem on one of the plants when I was drunk watering them the other day, I taped it up and am hoping for the best. If it survives though Im gonna use it for pollen.