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  1. S

    Are these strains stable?? GDPK, LA Con, Sour D, Headband, Mr Nice, WW? Need info...

    Hey guys, So this is my first medical grow. I wanted to keep it pretty simple with 1-2 strains, but they only had 1-2 clones of each strain when I picked them up. Obviously, growing this many strains on a first grow is not ideal. And I'm unaware of the stability of them. So, I need to be...
  2. S

    Messing up photoperiod while on 18/6 veg!? Help

    And I'm going to just imitate nature and not mess with the light schedule... seems like a plausible natural thing to happen to a plant.... Maybe a big fuckin' nasty thunderstorm came through and the plants were in the dark a few hours each day...
  3. S

    Messing up photoperiod while on 18/6 veg!? Help

    I was wondering that. I may have to make a new post because I'm definitely running more strains than I should be for a first grow, and would like to get stability info for each: GDP Kush LA Con Mr Nice WW Sour D Headband So, I'm gonna be huntin for balls all the time because I don't really...
  4. S

    Messing up photoperiod while on 18/6 veg!? Help

    Thanks bro... this is going to be 2nd tear down tomorrow, may be a 3rd and then that's it (hopefully)! I just rent from a couple, not an agency, and I think they're probably pretty cool. I'm not too worried.
  5. S

    Messing up photoperiod while on 18/6 veg!? Help

    Hey guys, This is pretty much my first post. I got a little medi-grow going... my first one. Got a few plants under a 1000W Sodium in soil. The plants are 2-3 weeks old from clone. I've got these girls in the corner of my basement. It's not very stealth because nobody is ever over at my...
  6. S

    Saying hello from the mountains....

    Thanks guys! Yeah, I just started my first medical grow, legal of course :lol: I was searching about issues with chloramines in the water and I was amazed at how much more info I found on RIU compared to other sites. I ended up using Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) to get the chloramines out of my...
  7. S

    Saying hello from the mountains....

    Hey y'all.... I've been on some other forums for awhile, but this one seems to have the best info. So, I'm coming aboard:bigjoint: Hope to make some new friends, get some great info, and hopefully be able to help some newbs out. I'm not the most experienced, but I think I can contribute...