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  1. S

    Pot Legal In Canada By July

    You think Harper is going to let that happen? His omnibus crime bill should scare the shit out of every pot smoker in Canada. Anyways, I hope that they change the medical program and make it more accessible....important things happening either way.
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    Organic grow, Trainwreck, White Widow and Lemon Skunk

    Howdy peeps, I'm going to put a little blurb in here about the ventilation I've got going on here. I had a guy think I was crazy for venting the hot air out of my tents instead of pulling air through from outside. It is vital that the air you vent is pulled from inside the tent its self via...
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    Window Ac Unit and Tents

    look at the picks in my grow journal, I',m not trying to dick you around. Foot for foot i'm running around the same wattage as you, I run no A/C. I'm not saying you won't need any, I'm saying youll need less. Insult me all you want and ignore my advice, but what I do gets consistent quality...
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    Window Ac Unit and Tents

    Read the post....if its hotter than fuck out side then how would you expect to that air to cool your tent? If you want to waste money on A/C you dont need then be my guest, you don't understand how negative pressure works? Basic principles of ventilation here dude.
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    Window Ac Unit and Tents

    I hear you, If your in a closed room I would suggest drawing air form somewhere up high in your tent (to get the hottest air). Then place the A/C unit in the window and use it to cool the room the tent is in while still venting int the closet. Then just cut a couple passive air intake holes into...
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    Window Ac Unit and Tents

    All depends on ventilation man, I use 2000watts in my tent with air cooled tubes and dont have to run any A/C. However with out ventilation there would just be a puddle of shit where my plants were, so you'll need to sort that out first.
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    Hermie Seeds: Use or Not to Use? Please Help!

    Your seeds will more than likely be all female, but I'm afraid that chances are they will not produce great plants. Femmed seeds grown out of a stressed parent make me nervous, saving that pollen and using it on a healthy/happy clone of that plant will give you much more stable offspring IMO.
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    Sannie or Emerald Triangle Seeds

    Sannie's genetics are absolutely top shelf, I've grown his herojuana and extrema and they will definitely put some lead in your pencil.
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    Cloning with Superthrive

    Just a light dose when watering, its very mild so its hard to burn them but I use rockwool and I find too much of it can kinda make the cubes scummy. After that I use it sparingly with every thing I give my plants food wise.
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    Canada Medical Program Info. And Questions

    Hello all, I'm a exemptee/DG in Canada here. I'm starting this thread to get information out there about the program here as there is tons of confusion about it. Especially to patients in the west having troubles getting signed up (much harder out here). Also others experiences good or bad with...
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    Cloning with Superthrive

    I use it all the time when cloning, but not untill I see lots of roots poking out. It also works great after transplants.
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    Ideal Soil Choice?

    Sorry duder, but you can't ship foxfarm across the border into Canada any more something about the pathogens in the wormcastings they use. If you do chance upon it some where its probably a few years old and left over from before and no good.
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    Which Religion Should I Be? Thinking About Joining a Church

    a weirdo with a beard In my travels I am constantly on the lookout for strange new beardos I can only hope that someday I will attain beardo status lmao
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    Foliar Feeding the Why and How. Clearing It Up for Some Foliar Feeding Questions

    cool...just a little info. But ask this a product that is essential enough to the success of my garden that it should be introduced to the equation?
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    Best Time to Harvest for the Most Weight

    The weeks listed are not exact....they are guide lines. Watch your plants and watch your trichomes and you will see when they are ready, some take 8wks and some might take 11wks. Taking them all at the same time will result in some being peak ripeness and some being underdone. Even amongst...
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    Foliar Feeding the Why and How. Clearing It Up for Some Foliar Feeding Questions

    I wouldn't recommend using a surfactant dude, thats a group of chemicals that I've seen used in commercial/food agriculture and I recall wearin' gloves and googles n' all that shit when handling it. They Break down the waxy layer on the outside of your plants leaves so that water doesn't form...
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    What's Up Everyone! Newbie, Love to Hear Your Input!

    Barneys is fine from a customer service stand point, and decent pot (tangerine dream CC winna). But is still the same old inbred amsterdamaged shit ( I know I'm growing some right now lol). There are alot of North American breeders out there that are fact some are contributers...
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    Organic grow, Trainwreck, White Widow and Lemon Skunk

    Hey there stoney garden gurus, I'm an old grower but new to the site so here is my current grow. I'm growing GHSC Trainwreck, White Widow and Lemon Skunk. I grow in a tent (I don't know how big...its big tho 7x7x14 I thinks) I use two 1000watt lights in air cooled tubes (one MH, one HPS). I grow...