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  1. JayDubb39963

    I want seeds!!!!!!!!

    Why must it always degrade to this, this thread will no longer provide the answers I seek, I muust go
  2. JayDubb39963

    lossing plant yeild nearly halfed!

    The reason why ur having problems is u let someone else water them, be with them as much as u can afford it pays off in the end
  3. JayDubb39963

    stoned to the point

    i give people weed if i need something it works better than money sometimes, that not to say i don't smoke out with my pals
  4. JayDubb39963


    violence should not be somthing we seek, will end up bad for everyone
  5. JayDubb39963

    I Won The Weed Lottery!

    :clap: Typical Morning, up at 8am, suit up, and start riding bike to the bee fields. Im not in a hurray, my boss is not a dick-hole(as long as we show up around 9 its cool). I still have time for my morning beer,jerky and banana, I navigate toward the corner store, about two blocks from home...
  6. JayDubb39963


    im working on getting a taurus pt92 9mm
  7. JayDubb39963

    What's This All About?

    when ever i do deep water culture my 6 plant root together and make one giant root ball, and it seems like the roots in the midle are not getting enough air, ive added the hydroton to maybe give roots space to breath
  8. JayDubb39963

    I want seeds!!!!!!!!

    Here we go
  9. JayDubb39963

    What's This All About?

    Ive done dwc before, and I was wondering. If there is a way to stop root growth without stoping any other growth?
  10. JayDubb39963

    I want seeds!!!!!!!!

    yup true u got me there
  11. JayDubb39963

    Female Preflowers Anyone?

    im just going off what Ive read from some books, but i see how its possible, cannabis is a old ass plant that has been through some shit, which indicates that it is highly adapted
  12. JayDubb39963

    I want seeds!!!!!!!!

    why does it matter we got the jist????
  13. JayDubb39963

    Female Preflowers Anyone?

    so i know that there are some eviromental factors that may cause more females than males and visca versa, u should look into it
  14. JayDubb39963

    Some advice- what to do?

    honey, never goes bad
  15. JayDubb39963

    What's This All About?

    about and inch or two below the lip
  16. JayDubb39963

    noob question

    if your using a halogen for heat then im assuming its cold were your at, if you are going to use energy to heat your grow room than it makes sense to get a hid bulb because you get better light and heat, if your in a tight space you can get a 150-250 watt high pressure sodium, or metal halide...
  17. JayDubb39963

    Female Preflowers Anyone?

    i would wait it out, to make sure, by the time a female is fully showing shes a female, any males left haven't started making pollen yet so u will be safe
  18. JayDubb39963

    I want seeds!!!!!!!!

    i was looking into leds, but really i dont have enough cash, i was hoping to find someone to trade 600 watt hood/bulbs and ballasts, for an led, so far no takers
  19. JayDubb39963

    I want seeds!!!!!!!!

    yes but i can also trade off clones for bud, and if i do flower out some clones then i have plenty of light just don't have good wiring were im at so try not to push the circuit breakers, that's why im trying to run off min watts possible
  20. JayDubb39963

    What's This All About?

    i was talking about pumping out the water when i wanted to flush or res change if the situation calls for it