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  1. toadqueen

    Whoreable's Threesome

    nooo my plant probs began with ph down lol, i checked my ph comming out of the soil and it was WAY too low adjusted, and my water is VERY akaline, 8.0 it evens out runnin thru the soil:) and yea, i am subscribin:)
  2. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow

    hell yea i will:) it is daam nice to see ya bro, i will be subscribin and checkin it out
  3. toadqueen

    The dream set up for a 1000watt light

    ok you are a mechcanic/'tweaker"/troubleshooter like me...I don't know you, but i gotta say i am falling in love with ya.....MG has really sucked for my plants, however since this is my first grow and i was messing with ph as well, i think i just used way too much lol...just be careful, it...
  4. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow

    Busy day today, topped and cloned the big plant my buddy gave me, so that it would fit under my light without starving the others...Got in my shultz plant food today, but i am laying off the nutes till my ladies recover, so i flushed em with aged tap water again:neutral:It is real hot in my...
  5. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow

    Big day today, transplanted the 2 plants my buddy gave me into 3 gallon pots, i think they are skunk strain if i remember right...Watered my plants with 1/4 tsp per gallon of ionic nutes, and added worm compost to the new transplants...I learned a very important lesson about miracle grow, thx to...
  6. toadqueen

    Miracle Grow

    yea, you are right...miriacle grow houseplant in any amount is BAD NEWS the reason is is because like the other poster said, the nitrogen ratio is alll baaad...they get way to much of it, and that is what was yellowing my leaves. After reading on this forum, and comparing plants with my buddy...
  7. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow

    HUGE day in the garden today....Watered my plants for the last time with MG houseplant...I am switchin them over to ionic next water, and gonna try out some shultz plant food as well, later on. Worm composting is going great, hoping some will be ready to use by the time i get my last 3 gallon...
  8. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow

    thx bro, gotta love baseball, it's a law:D
  9. toadqueen

    Miracle Grow

    :blsmoke:yea, i am new, and my plants are young, still in veg, so i figure i will use MG houseplant 1/2 strength, till i start to see ill soil is grow coir, ie coco fiber, with a lil bit of store bought stuff mixxed in...but i got the ionic grow nutes, they are formulated for coco...
  10. toadqueen

    Blueberry and Colombian Red Haze 4wks into flower

    yea, i agree but we need seedbanks to start from, since i am a newb grower lmao, once i get some variety tho creatin my own will rock:)
  11. toadqueen

    tight attic space CFLvs HID

    i need to figure out a good cheap fan system to kill stink and keep it cool up there, even with cfls, the tight space will get real hawt, and with my freinds, good freinds, that do not smoke i need to figure out a way to kill or minimize the bloom stink BEFORE i get my plants to that point lmao:)
  12. toadqueen

    tight attic space CFLvs HID

    i am werkin on the "bloom room" planning now I am going with 125 watt grow cfls, at least 2 of them, probably 3 or more, it is not soo much a cost issue here, but a heat and space ie height issue:D
  13. toadqueen

    First Grow-hps & Bag Seeds...

    this is my first grow, and i am doin the same, buy as i need it lmao
  14. toadqueen

    How to grow weed in your room woth out anyone knowing

    hell yea, i agree it is worth it, he learned how to grow...and once he is out of da house he will be better prepared to grow more, plus as i am waiting patiently for mine to be mature enuff to bloom and clone, there is no greater love than smoking what you grew yerself:)
  15. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow

    Well technically they are like day 28 but oh well lol...Miracle grow houseplant works great at 1/2 strength, anymore and the plants will be nute burned...I have 2 grow stations set up, and will be ordering yet more floro grow tubes in a couple of weeks:mrgreen:The room is getting too hot...
  16. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow

    I got my floro tube grow lights and my 2 tall babies are loving it....I put CFL fixtures on the sides as well to eliminate that pesky bottom leaf dyin off...I spread out my smaller plants in the potbox so the3 plants in there now have 5 42 watt cfls.....I STILL use 1/2 strength miracle grow...
  17. toadqueen

    Miracle Grow

    whoaaaa, ok i am new here, BUT i READ in these forums that the last month of flowering you are not supposed to use ANY nutes, ie natural flushing....I use coco/ie grow coir, coconut fiber based soil wit a small amount of potting soil mixed in....i also use 1/2 strength miracle grow everytime i...
  18. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow

    Wow, FINALLY, I am back on lol...We had inlaws visting over the long weekend, so i had to hide my babies in a storage closet for 3 days, I was worried sick the whole time, but luckily i was able to leave them with at least some light and stack em on boxes. I pulled em out today and watered them...
  19. toadqueen

    Toad's Grow

    AAAWW:( Dam bro i am so sry, just was able to get back on after visiting with some seeds from nirvana mebbe? helll, i dunno i bought my seeds from a diff site in amsterdam obviously, but i got lucky and actually got em, but who is to say i don't have have 5 fuggin males...keep at...
  20. toadqueen

    Miracle Grow

    I use a 1/8 tsp of it everytime i water, once a week, and my plants are doing great on it, however, when i get to bloomin i am gonna use some stuff i ordered off the net