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  1. D

    Long time smoker, first time grower.

    Damn, too much pot makes me paranoid. Hopefully growing it forever won't bite me too much in the a**.
  2. D

    Long time smoker, first time grower.

    Thanks guys. Nice M4 with complete rail system, timsatx. And thanks for the tip on the free seeds. Is it worth leaving it in the dark for a couple days before cutting?
  3. D

    Long time smoker, first time grower.

    I've been waiting to get over 50% brown hairs. After 14 weeks of flowering, only abour 35% right now. What's taking so long??? After some research, I'm thinking it is because the plant lost all it's leaves awhile back due to lack of nute. Can I harvest it now, even though all the hairs are...
  4. D

    Long time smoker, first time grower.

    Cool, thanks man. Just a little paranoid with it being my first.
  5. D

    leaves everywhere!

    Cool, thanks everybody. The one on the bottom might be a male, though... Think I see hairs on the top right.
  6. D

    leaves everywhere!

    I have leaves everywhere. 3.5 weeks in, 18/6 light with 600 w- 18in above top leaves. Started fert 1.5 week in. after transplanting to 3 gallon pots. Heights are 7, 8, and 9 in. Is it a really lame strand or maybe too close to the light? At least they smell nice. Other possibilities?
  7. D

    Long time smoker, first time grower.

    That doesn't sound like a good thing. Am i in for trouble?
  8. D

    Long time smoker, first time grower.

    let me know what you guys think...
  9. D

    Long time smoker, first time grower.

    here are some pics...
  10. D

    Long time smoker, first time grower.

    So we ordered seeds through seeds plaza. Tried germinating 3 of the lowriders with minimal luck. Only one germinated but failed to sprout. Once I planted the seed, I put it under the light. I've heard that some people put freshly planted seeds on the window sill and wait until they sprout before...