Long time smoker, first time grower.


Active Member
So we ordered seeds through seeds plaza. Tried germinating 3 of the lowriders with minimal luck. Only one germinated but failed to sprout. Once I planted the seed, I put it under the light. I've heard that some people put freshly planted seeds on the window sill and wait until they sprout before putting in the light room. Maybe we'll try that next time. Tried the paper towels covered by plates method and the paper towel in plastic bag to germinate. The first method worked with the free seeds. Anybody have any input on the kind of seeds these seed shops include for free? Cause, they are the only ones growing at the moment. We have three of the free ones in three gallon containers under a 600w gro-lux. Now under a 18/6 cycle after the first week and a half of 16/8. We are now in week 4 and their heights are 7, 8, and 9 inches. Hopefully one more week and they will be ready for flowering. Any recommendations for adjusting the light cycle? Should I go to straight to 12/12, 24 hr darkness, or cut back on light an hour a day? Plants are healthy with a few issues. Found a hole in two leaves today. Underneath the leaves, I could see tiny brown things, could it be soil or larvea? I sprayed SCHULTZ insect spray on the plant. I'll wait to spray it on the other two plants to make sure it doesn't harm the first subject. I swear I see gnats flying around so I put up a sticky tape, as well. On the same plant, the outside of the leaves are curled up pretty good near the bottom. From searching on hear, it sounds like burn from the lamp or from the fertilizer. Started using pure blend Pro Gro after transplanting the plants. I sprayed the leaves with it too at first. Now, I'm doing regular distilled water for the foliage. Maybe in a couple weeks, I'll try adding the fert to the leaves. The tips on the new leaves are curling down, thinking maybe overheating from the lamp. It is 18 in. above the plants. Planning on raising it again in a couple days. Lots of leaves, but they are kinda droopy. Maybe overwatering...


Active Member
I've been waiting to get over 50% brown hairs. After 14 weeks of flowering, only abour 35% right now. What's taking so long???

After some research, I'm thinking it is because the plant lost all it's leaves awhile back due to lack of nute.

Can I harvest it now, even though all the hairs are not brown or red? Should I still wait? Thanks.



Well-Known Member
I am a hydro guy but a long time smoker so this thread caught my eye.
Looks to me like its past time to cut. Don't be surprized if you have some seeds.

If you do find some and like the smoke, save them because they will be 90% or better female seeds. What you have described in your grow is your plant may have been shocked and partially hermed.

Just a possibility but yea, IMO it is time to cut.

Oh and the freebie seeds I got from my last order were Mazar.


Well-Known Member
In the future don't go by the hairs you see on the plant when it comes to figuring out when to harvest. Go by the trichomes.


Active Member
Thanks guys. Nice M4 with complete rail system, timsatx. And thanks for the tip on the free seeds. Is it worth leaving it in the dark for a couple days before cutting?


Active Member
Damn, too much pot makes me paranoid. Hopefully growing it forever won't bite me too much in the a**.