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  1. camroneck

    3weeks Flower *Lemon* pics

    Here is a great table I found for Minimum Container size: Plant Age-------------------- Container Size 1-3 weeks-------------------- Root Cube 2-6 weeks-------------------- 4-Inch Pot 6-8 weeks--------------------...
  2. camroneck

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    Oops to high to upload photos. lol
  3. camroneck

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    White widow week 8 of flowering from clone (18 Day Veg)
  4. camroneck

    Looking for Veterans to review my 1st AG Grow Plan

    Topping-Used to control height, but primarily to redistribute the growth hormone at the top of the plant to produce multiple colas. This is a form of HST or High Stress Training. You might want to try some LST or Low Stress Training like bending instead as it can redistribute the growth...
  5. camroneck

    Flowering White Widow (week 8)

    I used the soil feeding schedule from their website, feeding every other watering. I bought a cheap hydrometer to check when to water, watering when the needle drops into the dry zone(not all the way). Depending on the heat/humidity/plant size/nuts/etc the time between watering for each plant...
  6. camroneck

    Flowering White Widow (week 8)

    This is my first solo grow, the first day of my eighth week of flowering. Indoor set up, 4' x 6' space in basement. 1 400 watt hps six feet above the floor and two 25 watt T5 cfls on the sides. Vegged from clone for 18 days under same lighting with some CO2 enrichment. 4.75 gallon square...
  7. camroneck


    I'm four weeks into flowering right now and have big airy buds that get fuller and denser everyday. Here's what I saw; week 1 2 hairs week 2 more hairs week 3 even more hairs that start to look more like flowers week 4 Starting to look like buds. colas are developing.
  8. camroneck

    Buds changing color after four weeks of flowering, is this normal?

    I only have the four ladies, all clones from a reputable club in sacramento. None have shown any sign of male flowers. I should be about half way through flowering from what I was told.
  9. camroneck

    Buds changing color after four weeks of flowering, is this normal?

    I have four white widow clones four weeks into flowering. They look great, nice developing buds with tons of white hairs. I just noticed on a few buds the hairs are turning orange and shriveling up. Is this normal so early in flowering?
  10. camroneck

    only co2 water

    I think it could work, maybe with good results. I don't know if anyone has tried this. if you do try it, make sure to set up at least one plant in reg water as a control for the experiment. Also, you still use a reservoir in small set ups because plants take time to consume the nutrients from...
  11. camroneck

    How much light ?

    I agree, depends on funds. If you can afford it, I would run a small HPS 250-400 watt above the plants, and a T-5 CFL on each side of the plants to get the full spectrum needed for veg. This will cause rapid growth. Seed or clone?
  12. camroneck

    only co2 water

    When you don't use soil, it's called hydroponic gardening. The idea of hydro is to maintain better control of the nutrients plants use during growth. Most hydro systems flood roots a few times a day with the nutrient water for a short amount of time. This causes the plant to experience...
  13. camroneck

    Should I use Fox Farms nuts every or every other watering?

    just noticed it said every other watering on the side of the feeding chart.
  14. camroneck

    Should I use Fox Farms nuts every or every other watering?

    I have some white widow clones two weeks into flowering, in five gallon buckets. I had them in some hot soil with enough nuts to last until this week. I decided to start them on the fox farm three pack of grow big, tiger bloom, and big bloom using their feeding schedule (starting on week three...
  15. camroneck

    When to flower (pics)

    I have encountered a lot of research and talked to a few people who are adament that you don't need to veg long indoor, especially with clones. The figure I encounter most is that the plants will double-triple in size during flowering. This is where my concerns come from. My room provides...
  16. camroneck

    When to flower (pics)

    This is my first time growing on my own. Here's the set up: 4 white widow clones, picked them up two weeks ago from a club in sacramento(2 weeks old at the time). They are in 5 gallon square containers with organic soil from coconut. They were under 24 hr light from T5 cfls 2 2' 24 w bulbs for...
  17. camroneck

    Over/under watering? nut shock? or transplant shock?(PICS)

    The girls just woke up from their night cycle. here are some pics: PIC 1 Side View of the ladies PIC 2 My sick girl(who took a 180) PIC 3 Overhead view of the ladies PIC 4 The top of the healthiest clone Significant growth among all, the night cycle seemed to do wonders, especially all six...
  18. camroneck

    CO2 tank, regulator, now what?

    Different sources give different info, most say twice a day for a short amount of time. It seems that it changes from room to room, there are formulas and calculators I've found for how much to feed in according to cubic area, but without a gauge, I cant be exact. If anyone has any knowledge...
  19. camroneck

    CO2 tank, regulator, now what?

    No one here has been in this situation before? Anyone ever ghetto rigged a co2 system before? I really don't see why I this wouldn't work, but I just want a second opinion.
  20. camroneck

    Over/under watering? nut shock? or transplant shock?(PICS)

    I was giving them an extra hour of darkness each day. yesterday was 3 hours, but I'm gonna listen to Jonus. My timer is set to 18/6 now. Thanks again Jonus.