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  1. Stonedz

    just a question

    pretty safe, just use a prepaid visa card so theres no paper trail to you and have them sent to another address, where you're not growing :mrgreen: I'd recommend, i've ordered from them and they usually get to you within a week or 2.
  2. Stonedz

    How often should I add nutrients to a soil grow?

    feed every other watering.
  3. Stonedz

    My Babies

    Lol i have them rigged up with massive amounts of duck tape cause its all i could afford at the time.. i just re-tape them when i need to raise them or lower them. But i kinda like frmrboi's idea with the turkey tray.
  4. Stonedz

    My Babies

    ooo i like that idea, or maybe some pie tins and cut a hole in the middle, time to get creative :clap: I wonder if they'd get hot spots though... trial and error i guess
  5. Stonedz

    Interesting dwc bagseed grow: Juicy pink 2nd week flowering

    i tend to do that when i blaze haha :leaf::leaf:
  6. Stonedz

    My Babies

    to tell you the truth it never even crossed my mind lol, only thing is, they are plugged into extension cords, i think they'd get to heavy and fall out. Hmm, time to check out the DIY threads i guess lol.
  7. Stonedz

    My Babies

    actually, i think 1 might need some nitrogen... only thing is i just trnsplanted. I have some blood meal so i might re-plant that 1 with some blood meal mixed in.
  8. Stonedz

    My Babies

    Check em out, only took a couple but here they are :bigjoint: Still dont know what those brown spots are lol but they dont seem to be getting any bigger or spreading at all so im not worried about it.
  9. Stonedz

    Interesting dwc bagseed grow: Juicy pink 2nd week flowering

    haha sweet, i was wondering about that lil nug, glad to hear it was smooth and pimptastic! :clap:
  10. Stonedz

    My Babies

    Yea i dunno why they start out light green, but when they come out fully they're green as can be. The lights are on also in the pics so they look lighter than they really are lol.
  11. Stonedz

    My Babies

    It's in a closet :bigjoint:
  12. Stonedz

    My Babies

    lol well they started to smell yesterday but i left the door open today and it smelled throughout the house.... gimme a few ill get some pics :bigjoint:
  13. Stonedz

    My Babies

    Wow, they've grown about an inch and a half since yesterday, i cant believe it. They were really starvin for the nutes i guess lol :clap: They're getting smelly too, i walked in the house today and got kicked in the face with the sweet smell of success lol
  14. Stonedz

    Drooping plant question

    yea 1 gallon per plant is a bit much, i use 1 gallon between 4 sometimes 5 plants every 3 days and they love it.
  15. Stonedz

    Seeds Needed

    medgrower beat me too it lol. yea i've ordered from drchronic, and got them within a week.
  16. Stonedz

    Seeds Needed

    Get one of those prepaid visa's if u do end up ordering them, and dont have them sent to where you're gonna grow em. The visa leaves no paper trail really, other than where they were sent. :bigjoint:
  17. Stonedz

    My first topping^^

    you can just stick it in a cup of water i think, just change the water everyday.
  18. Stonedz

    have a look any suggestions will be great no idea here

    Depending on where you are, it might get too cold soon so u may wanna move it indoors with some CFL's or MH :mrgreen: