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  1. Stonedz

    New equipment advice

    Panda Plastic works good
  2. Stonedz

    Interesting dwc bagseed grow: Juicy pink 2nd week flowering

    sweet, so the superthrive worked better? thats crazy lol ill just use that for clones then, once my ladies get big enough.
  3. Stonedz


    So last night they started to droop again, so i grabbed my spray bottle and misted them a lil and they started to rise again! Thanks for the info guys, you guys helped a bunch. :bigjoint: Im gonna put up some new pics here soon so check em out, they're beautiful!
  4. Stonedz

    Interesting dwc bagseed grow: Juicy pink 2nd week flowering

    Looks delicious brotha! :bigjoint: *cough* send me a clone *cough* lol
  5. Stonedz

    4000W Grow Room Set-up

    adopt me please! lol your grow is complete madness bro, i cant give you enough props :clap::clap::clap::clap:
  6. Stonedz

    Round 2 Vertical: 2400 watts, Hydro AND Soil: Agent Orange, Trainwreck, Sour Diesel

    my god i wish i was that handy lol, i wish i could give you reps upon reps upon reps lol, your setup is insane! im gonna be watchin this one for sure :clap:
  7. Stonedz

    When it comes to lighting

    yep yep, you got it :mrgreen:
  8. Stonedz

    3 Weeks old Utopia Haze

    damn, she is a beauty for sure man, cant wait to see her in a couple weeks :clap: +reps
  9. Stonedz

    My Babies

    i hope so lol, check back tomorrow, im gonna put up some new pics, they've really taken off. I transplanted into bigger pots yesterday and added a few more lights and they are lovin it :joint:.
  10. Stonedz


    good to know lol, my hygrometer stays around 40 - 50% humidity and went up to a whopping 62% last week for a few hours since we finally got some rain ( i left a window open on accident... :roll: ). From what ive been reading, 40 - 50% is pretty good, but glad to know if im wrong lol so i can fix...
  11. Stonedz


    Just throwin out ideas really lol, since im using CFL's, i dont have as many lumens as a MH does. But i think im gonna go with gotot's idea and use a zip lock if they droop tonight, if i can fit it around them that is lol :mrgreen:
  12. Stonedz

    Bleezy's Grow Journal

    Damn bro, I love kush! and you're doing them justice for sure, those clones are looking healthy as hell, keep it up man :eyesmoke: +reps
  13. Stonedz


    aww zip lock bags, didnt think of those, i was thinking like a grocery bag or something along those lines. Thanks again man!
  14. Stonedz


    Check out my grow journal, i havent got one of them drooping yet lol wish i had though.
  15. Stonedz

    My Babies

    Hey thanks man, yea those lights rock, way to easy to adjust them in height lol. I'm gonna put up some new pics tomorrow, too lazy to do it tonight haha.
  16. Stonedz


    true, but wouldn't the bag over it cut down the lumens and the light it gets to it? Maybe i could even put a trash bag, with the inside moist, over them during their dark period. do you think that would be better? just so they get the most lumens during lights on.
  17. Stonedz

    Aerogarden Grow Journal

    Hell yea bro, they came out lovely! :bigjoint: Check out my grow journal, i picked up some of those desk lamps after you told me what they were. They are prefect for side lighting and for when they are young, Thanks for the info and keep it up! cant wait to hear the final dry weight :clap:
  18. Stonedz


    Thanks Homegrwn, i'll try foliar feeding them if they droop again tonight, thanks for the info :leaf:
  19. Stonedz


    lol shes just kickin her shoes off and letting her hair down? :lol: i can only hope
  20. Stonedz


    mmm good idea, ill try that tonight if they droop again. thanks man