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  1. Budlewsowski

    My personal peretual (getting everything dailed in) **PICS**

    I don't think it would be bleaching as they have only been under a induction lamp and there is only a couple with the problem. And no I haven't phd my water at all, I am going to set up a rain water collecting system today.
  2. Budlewsowski

    U-Pink kush anyone ever try

    Looks similar to what I am growing
  3. Budlewsowski

    My personal peretual (getting everything dailed in) **PICS**

    Thanks BEECH. Did you see the deficiency in that last photo? Potassium deficiency I believe. Its due to the fact im using tap water (here it can be as high as 8.5 and as low as 5. I am going to start collecting rain water from now on.
  4. Budlewsowski

    My THIRD and much more informed grow.

    she looks nice I think shes liking the full spectrum. What are those on the floor?
  5. Budlewsowski

    Why the under developed buds?

    IMO, In my opinion
  6. Budlewsowski

    My personal peretual (getting everything dailed in) **PICS**

    Yeah I love the pink pistils. They go sort of purple when they dry I think the nutes bring out the pink hairs.
  7. Budlewsowski

    My personal peretual (getting everything dailed in) **PICS**

    Heres some more pics of what I have going on. All at different stages. And a very messy setup but its working for now.
  8. Budlewsowski

    My personal peretual (getting everything dailed in) **PICS**

    Well its a Induction highbay light meant for factory's etc. And was actually free I found it in a skip out the back of a suermarket that was relacing their old hids with t5fluorescents. But I don't know why they threw the induction They had only just put it in a month or so earlier because I...
  9. Budlewsowski

    The Current Medical Closet

    That's what I think I don't know any1 else who does though. Why cut them off im only going to smoke them when I run out anyway?
  10. Budlewsowski

    Maui Waui ScroG, 2 x125W CFLs, Flood & Drain, Cabinet Grow

    WOW:clap: That is one damn fine setup, One of the better grow cabs on here! so tidy and keepin it simple. Good Luck (as if you need it)
  11. Budlewsowski

    First time indoor growing!

    Looks quite similar to what I had my first time growing;-) Stick too it and you can only get better.GoodLuck
  12. Budlewsowski

    My personal peretual (getting everything dailed in) **PICS**

    Hey guys I have just started my first real growing I have kind of started a perpetual harvest without even realizing it;-) I got a unknown strain off a mate its heavy Indica dom. My veg is under a Induction high bay light and my flowering is under 400watts sont-agro in a 3x3ft wooden...
  13. Budlewsowski

    Cotyledon Curing Under, Should I worry?

    The light may be a little close? But "meh" looking great to me:clap:
  14. Budlewsowski

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Yeah give her a week and see what happens:weed: What do you think of the pics I put up? Im thinking mayb two weeks? Its so hard to guess how long to wait for your own plant.
  15. Budlewsowski

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Did you germ her on 1st of march?
  16. Budlewsowski

    Is my plant ready?

    I agree let her go longer. will be interesting to see what you get off her
  17. Budlewsowski

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    I think its up2 you man. I can see her shooting new pistils but its hard to say whether she will put on an more weight? Imo wait a week and watch for new growth she may swell a bit in the last few days.
  18. Budlewsowski

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    WOW:weed: Those buds are packed with resin. very nice healthy plants I might have to think about getting some T5s, How many watts all up?
  19. Budlewsowski

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    nameno Thanks for the reply. Plant is actually Indica dom and yeah I don't expect to get a definite answer was more just hoping someone might come on here saying it looks a bit like so and so strain. Just wondering coz its quite a nice plant and it was sourced as a named strain when bought from...
  20. Budlewsowski

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    Hey fellas I have been trying for a while now to find what strain this plant may be? I got it from a mate who hasn't got much of an idea any guesses. Started flower at around two weeks from rooted cutting.Any help is great thanks