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  1. Scopse

    Can You Use Mirrors?

    Yeah purely because if someone is arguing a point that contradicts what everyone else says, then I'd like to hear what grounds they have to support their argument. For example, personal experience and science.
  2. Scopse

    Cheap UK CFL suppliers?

    I bought all my Grow Light, ballast, Soil test kit of eBay UK. Just buy it, you'll be fine.
  3. Scopse

    Can You Use Mirrors?

    I want the facts, just spouting off some quantum mechanics that I don't fully understand and a quote from someone I've never heard of didn't really make a whole lot of sense and I can't see what point your trying advocate. Infact I can't honestly tell whether you're for or against the idea...
  4. Scopse

    2nd grow, 166 plants with loads of hd pictures *** +++ rep!

    166 plants, I almost s**t my pants in excitement. Looks good though dude, how much weight you think your gona end up with?
  5. Scopse

    Can You Use Mirrors?

    Thanks for your input Spanishfly, basically from what you're saying is that you've actually used mirrors before to good effect? If that's true I'd love to hear it from someone experienced like yourself. I'm not really convinced by the argument that mirrors absorb the usable wavelength of light...
  6. Scopse

    Can You Use Mirrors?

    Haha cheers I've had it for like 20 years. My whole bedroom is painted white and I just removed the bed sheets so literally everything is white in there now. Thanks for everyones help in erradicating the evil mirror.
  7. Scopse

    Why is Every Leaf Tip Brown? REP+ for HELP

    Sorry for the pic, do you want another? I'm pretty sure it's not heat stress as it's only about 25'c. So I think it must be nute burn even though I only used a really really weakened down nutrient feed a few weeks ago. Do I need to flush if it's got nute burn?
  8. Scopse

    Can You Use Mirrors?

    Ha! No I sleep in the spare room now, my Giraffe still sleeps next to the plants though. So the outcome is that, Mirrors are a definite *No No* and I should remove it immediately?
  9. Scopse

    Can You Use Mirrors?

    Hey guys, I heard getting light onto all bud sites is a good idea, so am I okay using this mirror? *Please excuse the poor camera, my 600w HPS makes it get dark lines in the picture.
  10. Scopse

    is my seed going to grow?

    I think you put just put the seed like 5mm under the soil, if it's cracked and the root is starting to come out, I don't think it laying on the top of the soil is the best place for it if there is a light source.
  11. Scopse

    White Widow with no smell? and White Widow 5 weeks into 12/12 but no flowers??

    I would just like to say that is a f**king nice cola dude! I've got 10 White Widows about to go into flowering now. Hope I get shit like that! +rep
  12. Scopse

    Why is Every Leaf Tip Brown? REP+ for HELP

    Hey guys, Why is this happening? It's on every leaf, even the very tips of the newest leafs.
  13. Scopse

    seedlings and 600W hps?!?

    Kept my 600W hps 3 feet from my seedlings with a desk fan oscillating. 18" is really close. I've had mine on 18/6 and it's going fine, I'm sure 24/7 would be fine too.
  14. Scopse

    HELP!!! Dieing White Widow!

    +rep thanks dude, I probably didn't use enough water when I watered them in and hopefully they will recover soon.
  15. Scopse

    HELP!!! Dieing White Widow!

    Hey guys, I repotted a few of my feminised White Widows last weekend into bigger pots as they'd become rootbound and just after one week they've gone from being like they were in the second pic (healthy) to like they are in the first pic (not very happy). If you can't tell from the pics, the...
  16. Scopse

    Question about topping?

    Shit dude, that is a LOT of colas. Right so I definitely should Top. Was gona use Uncle Bens technique of topping just above the 2nd true node but I may go for just above the 3rd as I'm up to about its' 6th node now, can you see any problems with this?
  17. Scopse

    Question about topping?

    Does everybody Top or use LST? It seems like the benefits outweigh the bad points, i.e you always get more yield if you top or LST. I'm half tempted to Top my 3 week old White Widows but they look so healthy and happy an I don't want to ruin that.
  18. Scopse

    Water Problem...?

    I personally just use water that's been boiled in a kettle and left to cool down, I don't run any PH tests on it. I just give it to the ladies and they seem to like it. Quite alot.
  19. Scopse

    How are they looking?

    Seedsman White Widow Feminized. I'll get some pics up if you want?
  20. Scopse

    How are they looking?

    They look exactly the same as mine for the same amount of time, at 2 weeks and 3 weeks! I'm using a 600w HPS dual spectrum to, good luck dude hope you get a nice yield.