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  1. JimmyT

    Aeroponics and cloning

    80% that's a great turnout. Much better than I thought. I'm glad it worked well for you! Cheers:leaf:
  2. JimmyT

    Aeroponics and cloning

    Interesting. I've always wondered what would happen if there was a cutoff of water to fresh clones. I hope it works out for you but I've got to say that 48 hours without water is an extremely long time when it comes to aero. It's possible your stems began protecting themselves as a result of...
  3. JimmyT

    Aero system I put together for $51

    This is somewhat of a repost :) This was done 3 years ago.
  4. JimmyT

    Can someone tell me what type of hydro system is featured in these pictures?

    That particular system/setup is an Aeroponic/NFT hybrid. Those pictures were taken from this thread, All your questions and curiosity will be satisfied when you go through that thread. You'll need a few...
  5. JimmyT

    serious seeds white russian..week 6

    Nice crop! A little over 3.5 ounces per plant is not bad at all. How long do you veg them for and are you running c02? I've been growing WR for over a year now and I like everything about it except the taste. It's not bad but it's not the greatest. It seems you have the AK pheno so yours may...
  6. JimmyT

    Is White Widow really what it's pumped up to be?

    Congratulations! Not bad at all for CFLs. I realize you're only growing one plant at a time allowing the entire plant to absorb all the light and breathe easily. I'm doing SOG where each plant doesn't get as much freedom to grow as does a single plant. Hey, but with a pound per 600W HPS, I'm not...
  7. JimmyT

    Is White Widow really what it's pumped up to be?

    For some reason I don't buy it. Or did you mean 3 oz wet per plant?
  8. JimmyT

    Greenhouse Bubba kush and Barney's farm Violater kush

    If that's the case, should I be concerned with the violator kush bean I'm planning to germ:-? Holy so your plant must've matured looking more sativa I imagine?
  9. JimmyT

    Is White Widow really what it's pumped up to be?

    I've got Serious Seeds' White Russian which is a cross of White Widow and AK-47. I was lucky enough to get two females, each with opposite phenos and I've got to say, I prefer the Widow pheno:leaf:
  10. JimmyT

    Greenhouse Bubba kush and Barney's farm Violater kush

    Is it because you flowered it too long? Were you basing the harvest time through trichome development?
  11. JimmyT

    Do Phenos Vary within Feminized seeds?

  12. JimmyT

    Do Phenos Vary within Feminized seeds?

    I believe the answer's yes but, does anyone have any experience with what they've observed among a pack of fem seeds? I've been dealing with regulars and cloning ever since I started so I have no experience with the characteristics of feminized seeds. What differences do you notice between...
  13. JimmyT

    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    That's a whole lot o' junk in that tree trunk. Nice...very nice!!
  14. JimmyT

    Is this seed bank a reliable one plz give advice for more seed banks?????

    How's that OG Kush working out? Have you ever had a chance to try the clone versions and, if so, how does it compare to your seed version?
  15. JimmyT

    has anyone done a study on ROOTS??

    Yes, I agree. Increased air bubbles which, in turn, increase the amount of aerated water along with the continuous, aggressive movement of h2o will significantly improve root pornography.
  16. JimmyT

    can i grow t plants in a 5 gal container?

    I'm really high, I thought you meant one plant. 2 plants is pushing it and not highly recommended :leaf:
  17. JimmyT

    Hey HYDRO people: How do you DO THIS??!

    Here's what I basically do. Let's use one plant as an example. As it grows from seed - to seedling - to full veg, I'll take one clone and begin flowering the fully vegged plant. In the meantime, I have 8-9 weeks to root the clone, veg it, and get it ready for the next cycle into the flowering...
  18. JimmyT

    whats wrong with my seedlings? help?

    Temps are a bit too high. Cool it down to around 80* and it should remove the droop. Maybe lift the lights a bit to 40"? Seedlings don't need to be very close to a HPS. GIve them a chance to adjust to light and heat. Fact is, your sprouts look just fine to me:leaf:
  19. JimmyT

    can i grow t plants in a 5 gal container?

    Yes. Highly recommended for simplicity and cost effectiveness.
  20. JimmyT

    has anyone done a study on ROOTS??

    Excellent! That's great if you prefer growing with soil. In fact, that should be the only way to grow in soil. I must say though, the most impressive root growth that I've personally seen is DWC with an intense amount of air bubbles. It's ridiculous! I used to rock that type of set-up but it...