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  1. PbHash

    USA Drug testing on 4/21/12

    Are you serious
  2. PbHash

    Chick FREAKS THE FUCK OUT in college classroom about evolution!

    I wouldnt waste a blunt on her. She needs a B-52; 50mg benadryl, 5mg haldol, 2mg ativan.
  3. PbHash

    I can out eat anybudy on these fourms
  4. PbHash

    Chick FREAKS THE FUCK OUT in college classroom about evolution!

    Too much of that crack rock.....or not enough.
  5. PbHash

    Winter needs Piercing Advice

    Have a few beers before you go, you'll be fine.
  6. PbHash

    Fucking GREEN DAY

    Yeah dude, Green Day is such a part of me but after American Idiot, I won't even listen to any of their new stuff. Their change seemed so quick and dramatic. Yeah I liked them when I was 15 but now all they seem to care about is marketing to 15 y/o's. Im guessing they need to start smoking bud...
  7. PbHash

    Are there any stoners that AREN"T gamers?

    Unnk : you are right, there is nothing wrong with playing games, especially if you have your shit together. Which you seem to, prob way more than me.
  8. PbHash

    Are there any stoners that AREN"T gamers?

    I'm with April, its all about the outdoors plus I hyvent found a game that can simulate the real deal
  9. PbHash

    I believe in God but not the Bible

    Sometimes it actually hurts me to read the absolute ignorance of people. How could you think the Bible has never changed and at the same time criticize science for"changing", if you think science shouldn't be ever changing, explain how we have gotten where we are in medicine . The truth never...
  10. PbHash

    Annoying ass Christians.... not the religion just the people

    All that money goes to the Holy Christian Bank, where your investment betters your spot in heaven.
  11. PbHash

    I believe in God but not the Bible

    Yes yes yes! Just like if you were born in Pakistan you would very likely be Muslim, not out of your own conclusions but bc your parents told you it is correct.
  12. PbHash

    Annoying ass Christians.... not the religion just the people

    Well, Christians believe God tells them to spread His word and message, its really annoying I know. In high school there was this guy who would try to convert me all the time. I guess because of what I wore back then he thought I was "religiously unfulfilled." Finally I had enough and tore into...
  13. PbHash

    I believe in God but not the Bible

    How is 18+ years of going to church, 3 undergrad mythology/religion classes along with a bunched anthropology classes. Ill say thats a good start. How about you? You say my O.R. slices work against me, I'm not sure I know what that means, I'm not sure i want want to mind someone who seems to...
  14. PbHash


    Sigh... I love boobs, I feel like I need to see them all. Same type of boobs on a different lady= different boobs. Cs are great in my opinion, pierced= +1
  15. PbHash

    I believe in God but not the Bible

    Cannikid: I think it is human nature to be lazy. Unanswered questions?, just add a little God. Parents told you God was real? Dont do your own research and go with what is easy and believe what you are told.
  16. PbHash

    Winter Woman Shuts Down

    Dont worry, the MD will give her morphine and dilaudid, much safer than marijuana ha. Just joking. This brings up a good point, why do politians get to decide what is medicine, do you go to your senator when you are ill or hurt?
  17. PbHash

    I believe in God but not the Bible

    Based on what? I never understood why and how people can dismiss religion/bible but still believe in a God. That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
  18. PbHash

    Cosmic Events

    Yeah, I was just joking about that.
  19. PbHash

    Cosmic Events

    Ginja: sometime facts are unprovable ok haha