Annoying ass Christians.... not the religion just the people


Well-Known Member
Alright i feel like venting...... What the fuck is up with Christians standing on corners trying to convert you. I was raised in a christian family but i don't consider myself religious. I don't go to church and don't really believe in a god...

On my walk to work almost 2-3 times a week a christian converter will come up to me and ask if i am interested in joining their practice and meeting group. I have always politely declined because i feel religious tolerance is important.

This has happens so many time the next time some one asks me to convert i will ask them this.

If GOD Is Real Why Do People Get Raped, Murdered, Hurt!? Why Do People Starve, Why Is There Crime, Why Are There Other Religions !?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Why 'are' there other religions. Sorry, just want to make sure your speech will be perfect. =) I would say the same thing to be honest.


Active Member
Well, Christians believe God tells them to spread His word and message, its really annoying I know.
In high school there was this guy who would try to convert me all the time. I guess because of what I wore back then he thought I was "religiously unfulfilled." Finally I had enough and tore into him about his cult (yes he went to a Christian based cult) then proceeded to school him about the bible. He was quiet after that.

Ill talk to Christians of they are willing to listen to me and take an honest look at what i know to be true such as evolution and the BB. Many seem unwilling to do this.


Well-Known Member
Well, Christians believe God tells them to spread His word and message, its really annoying I know.
In high school there was this guy who would try to convert me all the time. I guess because of what I wore back then he thought I was "religiously unfulfilled." Finally I had enough and tore into him about his cult (yes he went to a Christian based cult) then proceeded to school him about the bible. He was quiet after that.

Ill talk to Christians of they are willing to listen to me and take an honest look at what i know to be true such as evolution and the BB. Many seem unwilling to do this.
and you know what if they give me a good answer i would go back to church.

BTW where do the people think their donations are going when they pass that basket around....


Active Member
All that money goes to the Holy Christian Bank, where your investment betters your spot in heaven.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, just depends on where you live I guess as to which type of religious folk you'll see preachin' on the corner... but by far Christianity has the most in the US.

My religion is simple, my religion is kindness!


Well-Known Member
A christian who doesn't try to convert people isn't fulfilling the mandate of god. They are not trying to 'share' the gift of salvation and it's selfish in that sense. If you believed your deity was indeed the way, the truth, and the life you'd make damn sure others got that too. At the very least if you don't quite make the cut, you could have helped another out through evangelism or intercessory prayer. Other religions give me pamphlets all the time and I do not begrudge them for it at all. They are doing what they believe is the right thing.


Well-Known Member
I wish all of you well in your quest to stop the evil, annoying, war mongering Christians from telling you what the Bible says. I am sure the world will be a much better place if they all just vanished one night.

It should be against the law to tell people "if you dont accept Jesus Christ as your Lord & Saviour, you will spend eternity in hell"

And dont get me started on how much they hate homosexuality. I do not want to hear their crap about hating the sin and loving the sinner.


Well-Known Member
It's not really the way to go about it, using fear of hell as a motive for faith. That's like raising a child not to steal or kill for fear of spanking rather than them having any kind of inner conviction or understanding the impact or purpose of their compassionate or violent actions.

Alot of Christians shouldn't tell you what the bible says because they don't really read it.

And yes it should be hate the sin, love the sinner, but self-righteous Christians still feel they are are 'above the unbelievers' and want to stone the hell out of everybody and not in the way involving :leaf: Totally the opposite attitude of Jesus himself, he liked to spend time with some real assholes and outcasts everyone else hated.


Well-Known Member
All that money goes to the Holy Christian Bank, where your investment betters your spot in heaven.
And its fuckin tax free. Bullshit I say. Stop taxing the booze the butts and tax the fuckin churches. The fuckin priest that runs the church near my house drives an 80,000 dollar cadillac.


Well-Known Member
And its fuckin tax free. Bullshit I say. Stop taxing the booze the butts and tax the fuckin churches. The fuckin priest that runs the church near my house drives an 80,000 dollar cadillac.
That's disgusting.

Over here if you give to the church you have to be earning a certain amount to ask for the church to be able to reclaim the tax. The church shouldn't be about moneyspinning but sadly it seems to be in alot of places. And money doesn't buy you shit with god.

Pat the stoner

New Member
Sadly it's true that the churches have become corrupted . Maybe not all of them , I'd like to think there are some good ones out there . I knew a pastor who told his church not to push the stuff on others , he was really cool . People could bring their bills there and he would pay them , give out gift certs for food to anybody . He didn't care what the person believed in or if they were atheists he always helped people who fell on hard times , and he did it without preaching . He spoke like a normal person . Then 1 day the greedy council decided to get rid of him because he helped too many people who didn't go to the church - too many non believers. That and he had an NA meeting every wed and friday at the church and theyd come in smelling like weed and chow down on this big food spread . Often times he paid the halfway house to keep helping addicts and the prosties who were just trying to get and stay clean . He got many people jobs and was cool with weed even though he didn't smoke .He even had this $500 car he drove . Finally the self righteous asses on the council got a new pastor who was just like them greedy , corrupt and judgemental - these are the ones I really cant stand .They stopped the NA meetings , and quit feeding the homeless . Every church I been to since is that way .