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  1. Krytical

    My first bagseed attempt lol

    yeah, I have everything I need to grow on its way in the mail... as well as 1 bag seed left, which will be my first, REAL grow the seed actually came from a clone that my mother had... I'm gonna enjoy the hell out of that bowl too =P
  2. Krytical

    My first bagseed attempt lol

    it wasn't really on purpose.... it started with me knowing absolutely nothing about growing, and throwing 4 bag seed in some pots and setting them out in the sun... with some crap CFL as a.... suppliment? I guess for when it was too cold or raining or w/e for it to be outside, it got dropped in...
  3. Krytical

    Fans for this grow room?

    hmm, I read some reviews that say that fan is only 160cfm, the 250 is only when boosting other exhaust fans... now I'm wondering would that be enough for intake with this as exhaust? @ 170cfm and is it worth the price for that one?
  4. Krytical

    Fans for this grow room?

    oh silly me, the same one on amazon had the 3 wires, I mixed up which one was which... so I'll use that fan as intake, but for exhaust I still need to find something compatible with a charcoal filter
  5. Krytical

    My first bagseed attempt lol

    So, here are two pictures of whats looking like the final result of a very resilient plant... First. I had 4 bag-seed that I had found about 4-5 months ago... I put those 4 bag-seed into a wet paper towel, and forgot about them for a few days... well, when I found it again, it was dry, and the...
  6. Krytical

    Fans for this grow room?

    For THIS GROW ROOM <- Link (64" tall x 20" deep x 36" wide) running a bubbleponics system with say... 4 plants, and THESE LIGHTS <- Link (400w MH/HPS) can someone suggest a 6 inch fan I could put as intake/exhaust, THIS FAN (<- Link) is what I was looking at, but now see that it has 3...
  7. Krytical

    Vaporizing herbs (aside from cannabis)

    Vape some Salvia Divinorum that will show you a good time =P
  8. Krytical

    First real grow, suggestions on these products?

    oh, lower on the page, I ended up purchasing the cheapest $99 one, not the $359 one.... comes with roughly what? $65-$70 worth of stuff I'd guess, I just payed for the convenience
  9. Krytical

    Stealth Hydro Automatic PH Controller

    My thinking about the auto controller is that then you get used to it doing the work... and unless you have two so it will do ph up AND ph down automatically, its only doing half the work... so its not even fully automatic... its a very cool system, but when you control the ph yourself I would...
  10. Krytical

    First real grow, suggestions on these products?

    haha, I was torn between those and foxfarm, because I've heard so much about them, but then realized I had only heard about them for soil... not hydro... so I went with the gen hydro glad I made the right decision, thanks again everyone for the suggestions and support I'm all excited, trying to...
  11. Krytical

    First real grow, suggestions on these products?

    Thank you for the links, I just got the lights, and pen's, but ended up going with the cheapest stealth hydro kit, and these nutes now just waiting on the mail....
  12. Krytical

    First real grow, suggestions on these products?

    Nope, haven't purchased any of it yet, for this exact reason.. the lights + ballast + it already all being set up were the only reasons I wanted to get that particular setup... the other lighting places I found online were way more expensive once you get it all.. like ballast, bulbs and...
  13. Krytical

    First real grow, suggestions on these products?

    Alright, I'll go find that thread and read some more and thanks. Well, my first REAL grow... I once had 4 bag seeds I put in some soil, and one of them made it all the way to budding, with just watering, some bat guano, and some fish emulsion and watering with a little hydrogen peroxide... ...
  14. Krytical

    First real grow, suggestions on these products?

    Hi, I'm going to start growing soon, and before I went out and purchased everything I've been looking at, I'd ask for suggestions first... I plan on using this guide and I was going to purchase this Bubbleponics setup Edit-(ended up...
  15. Krytical

    Goodeye2113's virginity buster! cfl (first grow)

    I love the use of the mini fridge, and will follow this grow as I will soon be doing my first real grow and ill be using cfl's once I find the right lights... one thing I notice, shouldn't you use something else besides that tin foil or foil tape or w/e type of foil that is in the back near the...