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  1. D

    A Batch of Clones in Rockwool

    About 5 days ago you mentioned that you were going to try disposing of Fytocell in your outside soil (as opposed to the rubbish bin) and that it was supposed to change it's color to a more soil like color. Did you get a chance to do this yet and, if so, would you enlighten us please on the...
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    Al B. FAQt

    Hi there Question 1: Will the nutrients build up in a RW/Fyto grow medium for hydro (like they do in soil and then have to be "flushed" out)? And, if so, how do you get them out? Question 2: Some time ago you stopped (temporarily ??) using Canna 13/14. What effect, if any, did it have...
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    Al B. FAQt

    First off, THANK YOU very much Al for the postings that you do. Over the last week, I have read, in their entirety, your cloning made easy, 2 week harvest and this one and they all convey an immense amount of information. To paraphrase one of your early posts... 'Read the posts and chances...
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    what is the cleaning regimen for emitters?

    Sorry for the newbie question but if anyone can either answer (or point me to a thread where it discusses this question) I would appreciate it greatly. (Don't worry about the length of the thread detouring me, I read thru all of Al B Fuct's 197 page "2 Week Harvest" thread without whining and...
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    Is this normal ?

    Hi there. This is my first grow. Its in its 5th week of bloom (having spent 4 weeks in veg). I use soil (Fox Farms potting soil) in 3.2 (ish) gal pots. Lighting is a 1000W HPS currently running 12/12. Nutrients are Fox Farm also (Tiger Bloom, Grow Big, and Big Bloom, currently using Tiger Bloom...
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    Is this normal ?

    Bump Is anyone else gonna weigh in with their thoughts? Thank you for your thoughts.
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    Is this normal ?

    Hi there. This is my first grow. Its in its 5th week of bloom (having spent 4 weeks in veg). I use soil (Fox Farms potting soil) in 3.2 (ish) gal pots. Lighting is a 1000W HPS currently running 12/12. Nutrients are Fox Farm also (Tiger Bloom, Grow Big, and Big Bloom, currently using Tiger Bloom...