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  1. rocky6106

    What is this problem? Please help.

    Well when the light are on they run at like 72-78 with 25percent humidity, and during the dark period its gets up to about 80 with 70percent humidity. I dont have a way to keep them cool in the dark because my ac is in a window and the outside light reflects in. so I have to cover it up
  2. rocky6106

    What is this problem? Please help.

    Anyone?? any advice would be apprechiated
  3. rocky6106

    Best Container For Ebb & Flow?

    Im not sure but to be honest, just by the pots with the timer and it comes with the res. Its simple and does its own thing, all you have to do is figure out the nutes and watch the ph on it.
  4. rocky6106

    What is this problem? Please help.

    I just switched to flowering, and some leaves are looking like this. Not all of them but some and on more than one plant. Can anyone tell me what the problem is please, thanks
  5. rocky6106

    Best Container For Ebb & Flow?

    I run hyrdoton using the bucket system,works great,and you can reuse them. Put your seen in a small rockwool cube and place that on top of the hydroton about an inch down, and let it grow
  6. rocky6106

    Need some help with new grow room. Any advice would be appreciated.

    How many plants do you run?Anddo you usesoil or hydro?
  7. rocky6106

    Need some help with new grow room. Any advice would be appreciated.

    Are you growing soil or hydroponics? And a 10x10 You could fit at least 16-24 plants in there. But I would maybe try 4-6 plant per light. Make sure you have your ventelation and cooling down first. Looking forward to some pics
  8. rocky6106

    How to flip 12/12

    Hey thank man
  9. rocky6106

    How to flip 12/12

    Im using supernatural aquar grow and bloom with the budblaster.
  10. rocky6106

    How to flip 12/12

    Im using a powder form all in one nutes formula, so Imnot sure.So just use the veg nutes for a week, then start adding in the bloom nutes?
  11. rocky6106

    How to flip 12/12

    Ok so when I do use the bloom should i flush the veg nutes out< or just add to it
  12. rocky6106

    How to flip 12/12

    Ok thanks for all the advice
  13. rocky6106

    How to flip 12/12

    Ok thanks. But im wondering, do I water them with the new nutes then 12/12or start the 12/12 first
  14. rocky6106

    How to flip 12/12

    i am about to go into flowering, and im wondering, do I flush first and start my bloom nutes and then go 12/12 or do I give them a 12/12 and then start the bloom nutes? i am doing indoor buckets flood and drain.
  15. rocky6106

    My first grow almost done!Advice welcome. Pics inc

    That shit is sick, Nice grow man. Enjoy that one
  16. rocky6106

    Green Lights??

    Thanks alot
  17. rocky6106

    Help Small White bugs!

    I would dip them in some floramite or get some spray from they hydro,my buddy tried that soap thing and it didnt work they keep laying eggs and produce rapidly. I think they lay like 200 eggs in a 20 day life span. so you can see where its headed if you dont fix it. Id try both methods, but they...
  18. rocky6106

    Help Small White bugs!

    Those are spider mites man. Id get some shit and bug bomb that room or else you wont ever get rid of them and they will destroy your whole crop
  19. rocky6106

    Help Small White bugs!

    How small are they? Could be spider mites, and whatever it is id, get a bug bomb in there fast. Unless you are in flower, then thats a wholediff situation
  20. rocky6106

    Green Lights??

    Only to turn on or off my ac, it doesnt have a timer