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  1. Mrwhitewidow

    What size are your plants by July 1st?

    Lol mine are not even 2 weeks
  2. Mrwhitewidow

    Any Cod Black Op Players in Here

    Be looking for an add from ruger973 thats me
  3. Mrwhitewidow

    Any Cod Black Op Players in Here

    PS3... ruger973
  4. Mrwhitewidow

    Help me plz!

    I feed them lucas formula but small dose....1ml micro and 3ml bloom per gallon
  5. Mrwhitewidow

    found bugs

    This one was brown and everytime I tried to catch it it jumped
  6. Mrwhitewidow

    found bugs

    535 post and you cant read I said I couldnt take a pic bc I killed the bug and it just looks smashed but just for you I found a brown on this time..And lasttime i check general mean all in one but thats neither here or there...
  7. Mrwhitewidow

    Best yeilds

    really gotta look into that
  8. Mrwhitewidow

    found bugs

    I put my babies outside today and when i brought them in side I noticed one of the plants was leaning over so I gave it a lil superthrive to see what happens....Will a few hours go by and now I notice the tips of the plant is turning brown..So I chalked it up as a lost and took it out just for...
  9. Mrwhitewidow

    Help me plz!

    can anyone help me out?
  10. Mrwhitewidow

    What To Rent On Netflix?

    Great movies for growers to watch
  11. Mrwhitewidow

    Best yeilds

    What strain yields the best in your opinoin?
  12. Mrwhitewidow

    Your Favorite American Piss Water Beer?

    Good old Bud
  13. Mrwhitewidow

    Help me plz!

    those are two diff plants by the way one is doing much better than the other all are gettign the same nutrients and watering
  14. Mrwhitewidow

    Help me plz!

    Having some problems one of my plants leaves are turning down and some seem to be yellowing....What am I dont wrong and how can I fix it...
  15. Mrwhitewidow

    Sunlight question

    not true i'm veggin indoor and will move them outside when they are big enough
  16. Mrwhitewidow

    Sunlight question

    I have 7 seedlings i'm trying to tuffin up so I can put them outside....How long should I leave them outside per day(in sunlight) to make them more tough???
  17. Mrwhitewidow

    1st grow

    just Gave my plants a very small amount of nutes to see how they react
  18. Mrwhitewidow

    CFL broke over my plants... should I worry?

    Worry less about the plant and more about your own self there is mercurey in cfl lights
  19. Mrwhitewidow

    Diggz Outdoor Organic 2011

    This is a good reason to use smart pots